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Can we be honest? We’ve all felt them. The seemingly relentless waves, crashing into our lives. Those cloudy and stormy days that stir the ocean of life into sending waves of every size and description into our being. Big waves, the slow small rhythmic waves and then there is the tragic tsunami wave. We’ve all experienced them and we will continue to do so. Some of us more, some of us less, but they are there. Let’s not dispute it. Their degrading and eroding assault on the believer’s faith are endured by all of us who call ourselves Christ followers.  Why they are has been the subject of a thousand books. How do we handle them? Well, that’s been the discussion of us Christ followers since the time Jesus left this earth.

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So how do we do this thing, this thing called life, as believers in the risen Christ? How do we live in this world, the territory of the enemy? Let’s face it, we live in absolute total contradiction to this present world system or at least we’re supposed to. We don’t want to hear that. It shouldn’t be a surprise to us. Jesus has already told us that would be the case. “You are not of this world.” Jesus also spilled the beans and said the world will most likely “hate” us because they hated him first.

It's very obvious Jesus never took an Advertising 101 course. His marketing strategy is not very good in my humble opinion. And then he goes on to say, “In this world you will have trouble.” Oh boy, isn’t that great. I would have never hired him to be a salesman, he’s way too honest. 


So back to, how do we do this……….live in the world as Christ followers? More honesty, it isn’t going to be easy. Just look at the New Testament, it has a lot of great stuff, Truth is everywhere in its narrative but it’s a very stormy and violent story. Ugh, why does it have to be this way? I don’t like living in conflict!


Welcome to Living in Enemy Territory. Here you will find regular postings of the letters I wrote to my elderly father (Pops was 99 years old) every day for nineteen straight months, right before he escaped from the enemy’s territory. These letters are about life and faith, the struggle, and the ensuing battles I have faced as a Christ follower every single day as I have lived out my life while trapped temporarily in the enemy’s territory.

These letters represent only one thing; my life as a born-again Christ follower and the truths that have carried me forward and still do to this day. I am no theologian, nor am I a Bible scholar, I’m just a regular guy trying to work out my faith in my risen Christ on a daily basis. I do believe these letters represent Truth(s) as I know them to be as a normal growing and struggling Christ follower who is learning daily to walk closer with Christ and live as a redeemed sinner in this enemy territory, the territory of the Grand Liar.


Thanks for checking them out.

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Note: Every letter has a quoted verse. These verses come from a daily devotional my father and I were reading every day together. This book, Hope for Today, was written by Billy Graham.

If you would like to know more about the full story on how these letters came to be, click on The Letters: How It All Began.

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