We are all in the mix right now when it comes to experiencing the impact and the many ramifications of monetary inflation. Pull out a $20 bill if you want to eat at fast food these days, its enough to feed 1 maybe 2 people. Pull out a $100 bill to pay for a full-tank of gas. (My car loves that 91 octane) I used to fill my Mustang gas tank in high school for less than 3 bucks and that was premium leaded fuel. What the heck is going on? We have inflated the value of the dollar to the point its meaning and value is almost worthless.
We can speak the same words and sentiments about the word “love.” Its meaning and value have been so depleted in our current culture that "love" has almost has no meaning at all. I’m as guilty along with the rest. “I love this, I love that, don’t you just love to …….,” on and on I could go. We use the word love so much it is reduced to mush in substance. Even using the word when referring to another person affectionally, the word “love” means little today. It flies out of mouths so easily its inflationary value means nothing.
The definition of love we carry should be God himself. 1 John 4:8. “…….because God is love.” If we want to properly define “love” we have to look at God and his son Jesus. There we will see what love truthfully is. Their actions, reactions and non-actions should tell us what true love should look like. If I were to sum love up in one word I would use the word “sacrificial.” Godly love is demonstrated by sacrifice. No wonder the worlds wants to inflate the definition of love.
This letter was written on February 4, 2019
“Love Demonstrated”
...but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10
Good morning Pops,
There is a Christian book that is quite popular right now, Love Does, by Bob Goff. Haven’t read it, but Cindy has. She found it enjoyable and challenging. But I like the title though! “Love Does.” Two little words, big implications.
Coming from the other side of the message of this book title is this thought; talk is cheap. Love doesn’t just talk, "love does." We can pine all we want about how much we “love” someone or how much we care about a particular situation but if it doesn’t propel us to action then.... then what? If I love so much or care so much, then why isn’t there evidence in my personal biography that I “does” something about it.
Jesus is our standard bearer in this realm of “love does.” Everything Jesus said and did was propelled by love. Every action, every reaction and every non-action has a foundation of love underneath it. One of His great “love does” statements is found in John 15. When He spoke these words, they were not hollow and cheap. He spoke them all the while knowing He was going to do the very thing He was speaking about. In a few short hours He was going to “love does” to fulfill His statement.
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends....Instead I have called you friends, for everything I have learned from my Father I have made known to you.” John 15:14-15 NIV

“Love Does” nailed Jesus to the cross just a short time after He said this. Father’s extravagant love demanded that Jesus “does” what would cost Him His life in an agonizing way. Father’s love propelled Jesus to incur the penalty of every sin, past, present and future, for us. His soul literally died for us. Jesus, while in Hell, was separated from His Father, the true definition of death. Separation from God Father, that is what sin does. That is why we are “dead” in our sin. But Jesus’ “love does” takes the penalty upon Himself, all of it. Because of His love-propelled “doing,” I can be saved. Jesus is the ultimate definition of “love does.”
So, we need to be careful when using the word “love” in respect to a person or people. If we truly mean it then it demands that we “does” something for that person or people group. “Does” my life match up with what I say I love?
Love you Dad! I really “does.”
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Lord help me! Help me to put more action to the passion and make sure I more deeply consider each word!
This current age is all talk with little “does”