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When Despair Hits

Despair: to lose all hope or confidence.

We all have faced despair and will face despairing times in the future. If you say you’ve never found yourself in a despairing position, even just momentarily, I have to wonder about your honesty. It is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign we are alive. There can be so many reasons these despairing times come upon us. Many, if not most, come by our own hand and decision making and some come simply and harshly from circumstances totally out of our control. Yet, for us Christ followers the root of the feeling of despair is the same. Taking our eyes off of Jesus. Sounds so trite and easy to say, but none the less true.

Jesus: the author and finisher of Life; the Alpha and the Omega; the Great I AM; all authority has been given to Him in heaven and earth. All things are through Him and in Him all things hold together. He has broken the back of our enemy Satan and Satan is forever defeated through His death on the cross and His glorious resurrection. He is now seated at the right hand of Father and all things fall under His dominion. This is Jesus. This is our Lord. If we are resting “in” this Jesus and our eyes are intently focused on Him then we will be OK, even in the middle of life’s despairing storms.

Some may be angered by such a simple conclusion as this. “Who do you think you are? You don’t even begin to understand my life and my situation!” You’re right, I don’t. Probably never will. But we are promised that He, our Father, does.

The book of Psalms is riddled with despairing times. What is the “go to” answer for the palmist in the midst of despair? To remember. To remember what God has done in the past and who He is in the present. My Rock, My Fortress, My Shelter in the storm.

Our response to despair, that goes totally against our natural man’s tendencies, should be Philippians 4:6-7:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ.” NIV

When we choose to put ourselves in that place that the Apostle Paul describes by the act of our wills (prayer, petition and thanksgiving) we are promised something from Father Himself, peace. Our despair is replaced by peace, God’s peace. The simplicity of this statement does not diminish the profoundness of it. How else was Paul able to sing songs of praise while chained to the wall of a dark and dank Roman prison cell while waiting for his neck to be placed on the executioner's block? Paul had a lot of mud thrown at him. His attitude? "We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Romans 8:37. Let's take his words as truth, a truth he personified and lived.

Lest you think I have "arrived" and I'm a little mini-Paul, I haven't, by far! No matter what the cause, why is it that I like to remain in the sticky syrup of despair sometimes? Do I want to be seen and tagged as its victim? Why stay there? Yuck! But I can say this, with assurance, those times when I have been able to corral the herd of my will and follow Paul's advice into prayer, petition and thanksgiving, yes, He, Jesus, has given me His promised peace. He is true to His Word.

Can you hear the world’s laughter, can you hear the world’s mocking sneers at this idea of peace being given to us, those who believe in Him and this promise, in the middle of despairing times? Their ridicule tries to pierce those of us who have said we have experienced this transcendent peace. It is unexplainable to them except for one answer. It is Heaven sent and Heaven given. Let their laughter and mocking be drowned out by the resounding presence of Joy that echoes in our hearts as we receive this promised peace that only God can give himself. Maybe they laugh and ridicule out of hidden envy?

Let’s not get down on ourselves when we find ourselves in a despairing mood. We, after all, are living behind enemy lines. This is the enemy’s territory and he is very gifted and proficient at doing all he can to cause us to despair. When we find ourselves there, in the midst of despair and its attending darkness, let’s remember. Let’s remember who our Lord is right now, this very moment. Let our prayer of petition and thanksgiving shout back at the face of our enemy, “You have lost! You will not have victory over me! I rest in the sovereignty of my King Jesus, who rules over you this very moment.” Let’s run to Jesus and receive His peace that passes all understanding even when the waves are still battering our ship.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Jesus

The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, 'O God, forgive me,' or 'Help me.' - Billy Graham

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