My kids hate it when I repeat things to them. They get onto me with a whinny, “I can’t believe it, not another life lesson dad, pleeeez dad, no!” But here goes.
One of the lines that I repeat often and will continue to do so is, “Time reveals character.” This is an indelibly solid, time tested and forever true-to-life principle. It is immutable. Watch a person long enough and guess what? Their true character will reveal itself. Now granted, the time it takes for each of us to show our “true colors” might be different, but the cadence of enough time passing by will absolutely and without fail do its job to uncover who we “really” are.
My most recent laboratory for proving my hypothesis was employing about 150 people in my retail stores. Most invariably, the person that I interviewed and hired, using purposely designed questions to peel back their persona and character profile, ended up, with the passing of time, to be a totally different person that they portrayed themselves to be when interviewing. I just learned to expect it after a while. It’s sad but I learned to begrudgingly put up with it until many crossed a line of no return. Yes, I did have some gems who were true to their claims of good personal character, they were few and they shined bright amongst the dullness of the average. Their names are like the stars.
What does this have to do with Christmas? If there is anybody’s character that we need to have a clear and unquestioned perception of, it is Father God’s. If He is the Alpha and the Omega, the rock on which all existence stands, wouldn’t be important to understand Him and His character traits? He has provided for us a written account of His actions from the beginning of time to do so. If my principle is true, and it is, we can know Him deeply by the revealing of His character over time.
What does the Christmas Story tell us about God’s character? Why a manger?That is what this letter to my father is about, on this his last earthy Christmas Day. His next Christmas Day was celebrating the birth of the Christ Child in the presence of the child Himself. Oh, what a celebration!
This letter was written on Christmas Day, 2018.
Why a Manger?
She brought forth her firstborn Son...and laid Him in a manger,
because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7
Christmas Day Pops!
I have a saying that I use almost too much. “Time reveals character.” Slow or fast, the passage of time always (emphatically) reveals the character of the one being evaluated. Watch long enough and the “true” person always reveals themselves. (Just don’t watch me, OK!)
What does the passage of time and the story of the manger tell us about God’s character? Father’s creation had been around for many many millennia by now. If my principle of character revealing holds true, we will see the “real” character of God Father come out.

Now, if I were the Creator of the Universe and had absolute power over all it contained, I am not sure I would allow myself to be born in a stinky filthy barn. Dirty animals, poop, urine smell, soiled hay, it wasn’t like the manger re-enactments we have all seen at our local churches. This animal barn wasn’t five-star rated, not even three-stars. It was a run of the mill, no nothing, dirty roadside barn. Nope, I just wouldn’t do it! I would want a place to be born more fitting to my status. King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Give me a break Father, at least give me the Jerusalem Ritz-Carlton please, no roadside dirty barn for me, after all I’m a King!
So why did He do it this way? To reveal His character. The way Jesus was born shows us some very important things about Father.
Jesus’ birth in the manger takes our excuses away. He wasn’t one of the pretty and privileged of His time. His parents were poor and regular people. You don’t have to be high-born and lifted up to make your life an important influence on others.
Jesus’ birth in the manger demonstrates the depth of His love for us. He was obedient to His Father’s plan. He didn’t say to Father, “You expect me to do what!? You’ve got to be kidding me!” He gladly came off His throne and allowed Himself to be a helpless baby in a really stinky place, the barn and the whole world about Him. All because He desperately loves us, His creation.
Jesus’ birth in the manger also shows the elaborate and astonishing lengths Father would take to bring His Love Plan to completion. He didn’t care about the humility of the manger birth; He didn’t care about what His arch foe Satan would say. He just didn’t care about what anyone would think about His plan. He knew exactly what He was going to accomplish through His Son’s lowly beginning in the manger. There is no sinful pride in our Heavenly Father. All is done out of Love. He had no trouble being born a lowly servant, even to His own creation.
Thank you Father for your character; blameless, spotless and pure. Thank you Jesus for your humble obedience. Thank you for completing Father’s Love Plan for us starting on Christmas Day. If not for your Love, your birth in a manger, I would not have a way to know you as my Savior and King. Thank you for your Love Plan!
Merry Christmas Pops!!
We miss you greatly. Your chair aches for your presence!
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