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1 of 7.7 Billion, Why Me?

This letter was written to my father on January 22, 2018.


“Why me?” It’s a question that has been circulating amongst the human race since the beginning of time. We’ve all asked it sometime or another. In dire times, in times of struggle and suffering, in times of joy, fulfillment and happiness, the question invariably pops up, “why me?”

In 2003, after spending our life savings and selling our beloved home and moving my family to another state, I came home in tears only to confess to Cindy the business I had started was not going to make it, it was failing. Why me?

In 2006, at the age of 53, I left the doctor’s office with a diagnosis in hand. Cancer. Why me?

I took a trip last week, packed up my family for our annual trek to Southern California. Beach time, walks on the beautiful shoreline with Cindy every morning, nice meals, golf, shopping. A special trip with the two kids down to Universal Studios-Hollywood for a day. Smiles to last a lifetime for me. No financial concerns at all about the money I was laying out. Why me?

During our day at Universal Studios, I was surrounded literally by tens of thousands of other people. I knew something that vast majority of these other people did not know; the narrow way to have eternal life with Father Creator and the way to have joy and fullness till I get there. Why me?

I could go on and on about the many “why me” questions, so could you, I am sure. There is really only one answer to all of them. Yes, even the ones that are produced by pain and suffering. Everything we experience in our lives is allowed and used by Father God for one purpose, that we may find reason to seek Him and know Him.

So, what is the answer? Grace, simple, pure and amazing grace.

“Grace… the free, undeserved goodness and favor of God to mankind.” Matthew Henry

The letter I wrote to my father about these repeated “why me” questions still resonates in my heart today. Why me?


1 of 7.7 Billion, Why Me?

You, brethren, are not in darkness....You are all sons of light.

1 Thessalonians 5:4-5

Good morning Pops,

“You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.” 1 Thessalonians 5:4-5 NIV

I have shared with you, Dad, that sometimes when I see someone who is not as fortunate as I am, I many times ask myself “Why me?” Whether it be standing in the grocery line and seeing a person struggling to buy a few items or the hardly running car making its way down the road holding a family wondering how they’ll make it through the day or month; I frequently shake my head and ask “Why me? Why am I so blessed?”

There are 7,700,000,000 (7.7 billion) people living on this planet. Hardly fathomable. I represent just a single one of those many billions. Just one. Yet, I sit here and I know something the overwhelming majority of these billions do not.

I know the Truth. I know how all our stories began. I know how the grand story ends. I know the author of the story. I know all the key players in the story. I know the answer and path that leads me to be a part of the “winning” side of this real-life drama. Because I know the story and its author, I have joy, hope and peace in my life. I know what my future holds for me and it is extraordinary. Why me? Out of billions, why me?

Why did Father see fit to let me see the “Light?” While I was blind and in darkness, the Spirit of God helped me see my sin and my helplessness and showed me God’s redeeming grace in Christ. The Spirit revealed the truth of Jesus’ declaration: “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12 AMP

Why me? I could be one of the many billions living now in darkness. Rich and poor, billions living in darkness. Why me? Billions hopelessly walking to the rhythm and beat of the Grand Liar. This eternally deceptive “pied piper” laughing all the way saying “If I’m going down, by God, I’m taking as many of these, that Jesus loves and died for, with me to an eternal damned consequence.” Why me?

I will never understand the answer nor know it’s great height, width and depth. There is but only one answer. Oh the great great love of Jesus and His pursuing hound of heaven, the Holy Spirit, both dispensing grace. I shake my head at the astounding and extravagant grace He has shown me. Maybe, maybe, when I am sitting at His feet, I will begin to fathom the answer to “why me.” Until I do, I will give my inadequate human thanks to my Father for His unmerited grace towards me. “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”

"Your worst days are never so bad you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace." Jerry Bridges

As Billy states, “In the midst of a world living in spiritual darkness, walk as a child of the Light.”

Love you Pops

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