Introduction to this letter written to my father
“All I want is just a little bit more.”
Over 280 billion. That’s how many dollars were spent last year in the US trying to impress upon us our culture’s definition of happiness. The modern advertising juggernaut has “got our number” when it comes to knowing what drives mankind. I’m as guilty as any when I see the glitter of all the “stuff” out there, the stuff that is supposed to make me happier than I am now. How are you doing in this department?
There has never been a time in the history of mankind when this statement has not been true: “All I want is just a little bit more.” We are always seeking the greener grass on the other side of the hill, hoping that on the other side we can be finally happy. Phew, got there! Then when we get there, if we ever do, all we see is another hill to climb, these hills seem to stretch into the horizon. Can’t we just agree that in the world’s system of hill hopping we will never really “get there?” “There” being totally satisfied and happy. If our nation ever got “there” our economy and our way of life would entirely collapse in very quick fashion. Thus, the need for 280 billion dollars to keep prodding and convincing our psyches that we need “more.”
Jesus has some other ideas. To the woman-at-the-well, who was a “happy” seeker, He said that the water and happiness this world offers will always leave you wanting and thirsty. He offered her something different, something extraordinarily different; “living water.” This “living water” He said would fill her up for a lifetime and then some. No refills needed. No more seeking for that “just a little bit more,” no more clawing your way up the hill only to find that the greener grass on the other side will only satisfy for a brief and fleeting moment.
If we find ourselves panting for the greener grass, if we find ourselves hoping and wishing for “just a little bit more” to make us happy, maybe we need to listen to the woman at the well. “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” John 4:29 NIV.
Yes, He is the Messiah and He is offering me “living water.” While we live here in the enemy’s territory isn’t it wonderful that we can have endless, cool, refreshing and life-giving water to satisfy us till we go home.
Even though my father, Pops, was a believer, I do not think He truly tasted this refreshing “living water” till He was ushered into his new home, heaven. It is a sad reality; we can actually be adopted children of the King and yet not experience the absolute Joy this “living water” offers us while we are living here in the enemy’s territory. This is what I try to explain in this letter to Pops.
This letter was written on January 15, 2019
"All I want is just a little bit more."
May the God of hope fill you with all joy. Romans 15:13
Good morning Pops,
Hope: A desire for some good, accompanied with at least a slight expectation of obtaining it: Confidence in a future event. Webster 1828.
I like Billy citing the bumper sticker. It rings true to me. “All I want is a little more than I have now.” Every human being in every different station in life, poor to the uber-wealthy, is driven by this simple bumper sticker saying. And to be honest, I am too. Don’t really want to admit that, but it’s true. Call it hope or whatever you want, we all are aspiring for “a little bit more.” “I hope I can get through one more day.” “I hope I can pay my bills.” “I hope I can get a better job.” “I hope I can find true love.” “I hope I can have a little bigger house.” “I hope I can make a little more money.” “I hope this, I hope that….if my hope comes true, then I will be a little happier.” And the beat goes on.

I am as guilty as any of this. When my eyes turn from the eternal to the temporal, I get myself into trouble. It’s tough-going here behind enemy lines. It seems the temporal and urgent things of today’s life are ever in front of us and overwhelming many times. And then there are the times we are literally “suckered” into the world’s way of thinking that just “a little more” will make us happier in areas of no real consequence (houses, cars, clothing, toys...etc.). Ugh, it’s a battle!
Jesus’ words are easily forgotten, “Do not gather for yourselves riches on earth. Moths and rats can destroy them. Thieves can break in and steal them. Instead, gather for yourselves riches in heaven……Your heart will be where your riches are.” Matthew 6:19 NIRV
This is counter cultural thinking, big time! But it is the call to us Christ followers. Where are my eyes focusing today? Do I believe the water Jesus draws from His well will lead to never thirsting again? How do I make this real in my life? Some days I am more successful than others at this. How about you, Pops?
The battle for me starts in the morning. Am I going to empty my personal agenda from today’s cup and wait for the Lord to fill it up with His? Most times He doesn’t let me know what He wants in my cup, it is a moment by moment thing, hour by hour revealing. He says to me, “Don’t worry about it, Steve (very tough for us Type A’s!), I’ll let you know what’s to go in your cup today when the time is right, just keep your eyes on Me, OK!?” If I run into the day without starting it with Him, then I can count on a battle for my attention and my priorities for the day. How am I doing at this? I’d like to say I always win the battle. That would be a lie, let’s just say I am a “work in progress.”
But those days where I have made what Father wants for me my “hope” and I have clear focus on the future “hope” I have in Him, then what I get in return is the good stuff; JOY. So, whatever happens, seemingly good, seemingly bad, I still get the savor and sweetness of JOY in my life. Joy that flows from Father, not of myself. A joy that is “water” that satisfies, unlike anything the world can offer.
Hope: Confidence in a future event. Noah Webster 1828
Let’s make the type of hope we have today, Pops, the kind that is confident of Father’s providence and lordship over our lives. The kind of hope that is forward looking with confident expectancy of our future home in heaven with the KING. The kind of hope that is “water” that satisfies eternally.
“The hope of the saint gives the true value to the things seen and temporal-in fact the real enjoyment of things seen and temporal is alone possible to the saint because he sees them in their true relationship to God, and the sickening emptiness of the worldly-minded who grasp the things seen and temporal as though they are eternal, is unknown to him.” Oswald Chambers
Love you Pops
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