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Are You A Religious Person?


Are you a religious person? Ask that question to a hundred random people on the street. What will be their response? No matter how they answer, the answer is yes. We are all religious in our being. Argue all you want…you are religious in your thinking.

The “New” Mirriam-Webster dictionary says you are religious if you hold onto with ardor and put faith in a “system of beliefs.” That certainly describes me and most likely describes you. Leave God out, you don’t need Him to be religious. You can even say, “I don’t hold to any set of beliefs, I choose to not believe anything”…but, ah, yes you do, your non-belief is a system of belief. You are religious.

Now, can we agree on something as basic as this? There can be only one truth. If you argue different, then you are in denial. There cannot be competing “truths” and both or more be true. You are irrational to take this stance: “we all have our own truths even though they may be different.” Sorry, doesn’t compute. 1+1 cannot have several different answers, there can be only one truth. Even Mirram-Webster says “truth” is a transcendent fundamental. Truth transcends and remains despite anything you or I may think up. The Truth will always endure in spite of all our efforts to deny it, that’s why it’s called “truth.”

Now, the big divide is, what “truth” are you going to believe in. Remember, the stakes are high. Choose very carefully. Isn’t it amazing that most people put about as much thought and effort into choosing their “belief” system as they do choosing from their local fast-food restaurant menu. “What’s the special today? You say everybody is ordering #4. OK, I’ll take that, seeing everyone else is. Must be good (true). Now leave me alone!”

In college I was faced every day with the religious sect of “secular humanism.” Yes, it’s a religion, a Federal District Court in 2014 said so. It’s a system of belief, held to with quite tenacious ardor by those around me. I’m still surrounded by it more than ever today. It’s everywhere, it has been way more efficient than the Covid-19 virus. This “religion” holds to the tenant that man himself is the source of all knowledge and morality and is capable of providing the answers to all his problems. In Francis Schaeffer’s words: “Humanism means that the man is the measure of all things.”

In my college studies of biology, physiology and toxicology, every hypothesis and “fact” presented was interpreted through the lens of the “religion” of humanism. I learned the pursuit of “truth” through science had little to do with their conclusions. But I made it through, they did not “convert” me. If fact, I left my PhD. professors’ educational indoctrination program with a firmer belief in the one “truth,” that is God’s Love Plan for me.

In this letter to my father, I discuss my time at UCLA and my master’s degree studies and my response to my professors’ religious bent of humanism. I hope you enjoy it.


This letter was written to my father on December 27, 2018.

Standby For A Message From Heaven

Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments and his paths beyond tracing out. Romans 11:33

Good morning Dad,

I have always found it interesting when I was totally immersed in the world of science in the years gone by at UCLA. I have never been around a group of more truly devoted religious people…… secular-humanist science professors. (Yes, it was their religion) They represented the epitome of non-Truth seekers. It was quite amazing to experience.

For years, I embedded myself into the study of biology, biochemistry, physiology, chemistry, physics and math. What was the result? The absolute confirmation and deepening of my faith in my Creator. Everything in those disciplines screamed CREATOR!!! All the processes studied pointedly to an intricate design and designer. It was a “in your face” “HELLO! I am here” message. Standby for Heaven to Earth message: “Look at the facts!”

Everything I studied expressed the wisdom and knowledge of Father God. Romans 1:20 says: “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and the sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So, they have no excuse for not knowing God.” NLT

“For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and the sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So, they have no excuse for not knowing God.” NLT

Man will go to outlandish and extreme lengths to deny Truth. We live in an age where it is permissible to deny the truth if you just don’t “feel it.” Black is white, white is black. Why? Because I “feel” like it. It is even applauded and paraded around. Deep down, the hush hush truth is still there. (But, please don’t tell anyone though, you will be called a bigot!) (But one espousing vehemently the ideas of evolution and relativism is seen as “enlightened” and tolerant?? Hmmmm?)

I came to believe, when at UCLA and during my Master’s studies, my professors were afraid of the Truth. If they came towards the “light” just one nanometer, they would have to succumb to the whole “light.” If they even pondered on the idea of the truth of a Creator designer, then Pandora’s box would suddenly fly open. If there might be a Creator, then:

Why was all this created?

Why was I created?

What is the purpose of all this?

Who is this Creator?

If everything has a purpose, what is my purpose?

What does this Creator want from me, His creation?

Endless questions spill out of the box. The epiphany that there is a “higher power” is earth shattering. Prior sandy foundations are washed away. It means that I am not the source to all the answers and I might even be accountable to “somebody” for who I am.

But in the end, Truth will prevail. Father’s Love Plan has been set into action. He will reveal Himself to those who seek truth. His intricate plan will culminate in “every knee will bow before me and every tongue will acknowledge God.” Romans 14:11 NIV. All will know the truth in the end but only those who have followed the directions of Johns 3:16 will receive its heavenly reward.

Pops, let’s make sure we are included in His Love Plan through saving faith in Jesus Christ.

Love you!

Dad’s response:

Love it!

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