If you are alive today and have a beating pulse then very most likely you will experience trouble today. Who says? There is a guy in Matthew 6 that was quoted saying, “Each day has enough trouble of its own.” His name is Jesus. I guess He should know, seeing He came here to create a path to solve this human dilemma of sin caused trouble. This was not His original plan.
Trouble. The Latin root means to stir or whirl about, hence the sense of agitation or disturbance, trouble. “I feel troubled today.” We’ve all said it to someone or to ourselves. Being troubled is a spectrum condition. You can be “a little” troubled or “greatly” troubled or find yourself at any point in between. Already today I am troubled for I have read the headlines of today’s news. Who knows what will be printed by the time the sun sets, some of it producing trouble. And then there is today’s comings and goings and all the stuff that will fill my day, some of it will generate trouble. It will “stir” or “agitate” me in some manner or degree.
How do we escape this human condition of “trouble?” I’ve got good news and bad news regarding this incessant plague. The bad news first: we are never going to escape the relentless waves of trouble crashing into our lives. It goes with the territory of being alive and living in the enemy’s domain. Soooorrry! Now the good news. When trouble does come, Father has given us a solution, an answer as to how to handle it so it does not sabotage our being.
This is what this letter to my father is about. When I wrote it I was in a troubled state. I’ll let the letter explain the rest.
This letter was written on January 28, 2019
Are You Troubled Today?
Let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds. Philippians 4:6-7
Good morning Pops,
Guess what Dad? If you are alive today then you’re are going to have trouble. Who says so? Jesus. “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34 NIV
I woke up this morning troubled over some business dealings. Monique will probably wake up worrying over her chemistry exam today. Robyn and Ryan are waking up today to face an upside-down world with her cancer diagnosis. The list could go on in perpetuity.
"Let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds." Philippians 4:6-7

Paul wrote these words when he was in a dark and dank Roman prison cell, knowing his death might be very close at hand. With this in mind, I can’t shoot back a snarky answer back at him, “Well Paul, you just don’t understand my situation! If you did, you would never say such a short sighted (stupid) thing!”
Either what Paul is saying is true or it is not. “Well, in my situation, this doesn’t apply.” Yes, it does. It’s either 100% true or 100% false.
So, as I laid awake this morning, I knew I was going to make comments to you today about this verse. I said to myself, “Crud, why this verse today! Because I sure don’t feel His peace right now. How am I going to be honest about how I really feel?”
So, I did what Paul encourages us, those of us who are in Christ, to do. I had a little conversation with Father about my feelings. I let Him know of my request. I acknowledged that He is Lord over all things, even my “today” trouble. Yes, I even uttered the words “thank you.”
So, I am sitting here in the hearth room at 6AM telling you that I feel at peace. My problem still has to be addressed today, lawyers need to be spoken to, my problem did not go away. But...my heart and mind are not stirred up as they were two hours ago. I don’t know what the resolution will be, but I have peace that Father is going to help me. Nothing has changed except...my heart and mind.
Now, my problem today is small, shouldn’t even be compared to Robyn’s. Yet it is real, it is pertinent to me today. Whether what we are facing today is truly “life changing” or much smaller, Father wants us to bring it to Him. He doesn’t have a measuring stick and disregards those “troubles” too short and don’t meet some Divine threshold. No, if you are troubled, you are troubled. He says, “Bring it to me.” Why do we disallow Him the opportunity to gift us His peace in every circumstance? “Oh, I’m not worthy of His help.” Where is that thought coming from? Hmm? Sounds like something a Liar I know would say!
I was praying this morning for a 9-year-old girl dying of cystic fibrosis. I was praying for her parents also. I was praying that in the midst of this immense tragedy they would know Father’s peace that can transcend this horrible reality they are facing. Yes, I believe even in this circumstance He can bring peace, His peace.
Jesus wants to walk on the waves of our storms with us, big or small. Let’s ask Him to come and do so.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27 NIV
These are Jesus’ words right before He was betrayed and handed over to be crucified.
“Nothing else is in the least like His peace. It is the peace of God, which passeth all understanding.” Oswald Chambers
Love you Pops!
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