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Confessions of a News Junkie


I hope you are not like me. I am sad to confess to you I have succumbed! I’m a news junkie. Please don’t judge me, the opiate of the continuous 24/7 news cycle and its ready availability has won. It is one quick and easy tap away. And then there are the talk show hosts! Let’s not even go there!

Of course, I’ve got several of the well known news apps on my phone but I go even further. I get most of my news fixes from other “discreet” sources. Not the “water-down” stuff. I know the high of most headlines before they are headlines.

My news getting proclivities convince me in an ever-continual way that this world is truly messed up. So, what’s new? It’s been messed up for millennia! But…now it is truly on the brink it seems. When 2 +2 can equal whatever you want and there are 134 different sexual identities, then in my opinion, we’ve lost it.

My point? Somedays, many days, I am just ready for the sounding trumpets and the parting clouds. Jesus can’t you hurry up a bit! The enemy seems to be breeching the walls of our world’s societies in ever increasing fashion and frequency.

Sorry, I sound decidedly whinny today. This letter to my father talks more about the future coming of our liberator and King Jesus. Maranatha Lord, maranatha.


This letter was written on February 6, 2019

Confessions of a News Junkie

The day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.

1 Thessalonians 5:2

Hi Pops,

I have a confession to make. I am a news junkie. With the advent of the smart phone, I have access to all the news that I want, 24/7, 365. Not sure that’s a good thing. I read a very wide range of news, mostly from the financial and political arenas. After I am done (if I ever am) I usually come to one main conclusion. This entire world is totally messed up, I mean royally so! Evil appears to be winning out. (But I know different!)

Dad, I often wonder how you felt about the condition of the world during WWII. The whole world was literally on fire and you were in the middle of it fighting Japan. Granted, news was slow coming in those days, but gee whiz, it must have been disheartening. I am glad you didn’t have the visual coverage of the news and the war as we do today. It would have been demoralizing.

What’s my point? There are days when I am just ready for Jesus to come and pull me out this decaying enemy territory. He says he’s coming, like a thief in the night. Could it be tonight!?

Father is wise. Wise in not telling us when that day is going to be. If we knew exactly when He’s coming it would be a game changer. It would have changed how all Christ followers lived in the past, it would change how I live today. How? If I knew Jesus’ return was not going to happen during my lifetime then I wouldn’t have the hope and anticipation of His imminent return. I truly hope I can be part of that amazing event while I’m here. If I knew He was going to return in my life, like for sure, that would also change how I live. Some good and some bad effects on me. Won’t go into those now.

Father wants us to have one foot in the world and one foot in our anticipated home. I am challenged to live each day as if I need to provide for tomorrow and then also live knowing it could be my last day. Hard to do for me, what about you Pops? At 99 (in thirteen days), your perspective is very important to me.

We do not know when Jesus will choose to return, but we need to remind ourselves that today could be that last day. Today, maybe, is the day I meet my Lord and Savior face to face. Whether by rapture or physical death, I just don’t know.

Yes, I am ready if He were to come today to rapture His church body, I would love that. First, I get to see Jesus’ face. Second, I would have that experience with my three earthly loves; Cindy, Taylor and Monique.

Love you Dad

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