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Does God Cry?


I bought a flip-house several weeks ago. Looked good from the outside, not much work to be done there. But then I cracked the door. Oh my!! What once was a beautiful house to live in had been transformed into something ugly, vile and degraded. What should have been a wonderful refuge for its occupants had become stained with filth and uninhabitable in my estimation. But here’s the kicker, the people who used to lived there got used to it, it was normal to them. What happened?

I got to thinking about it and the story of this house struck a familiar note. This house is just like the world we live in. It was once beautiful, a refuge, it was “good” in the Creator’s eyes. The inhabitants once walked casually day by day with the Builder, surrounded by all the wonderful things created just for their enjoyment. Peace, joy and happiness reigned. Then something happened. From a distance you can still see the beauty and the hand of the Builder but get closer, oh my! Envy, malice, selfishness and evil have filled every room. Stains and filth are everywhere. When the Builder cracks the door, what is His response? He cries. Here’s the kicker, the occupants of this world have gotten used to it, its normal to most of them.

“As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it.” Luke 19: 41 NIV

Yes, I think Father cries over us, His creation. Especially when most have rejected the way out of the filth and vileness of the world by discarding His gracious redemptive plan He has painfully provided for us.

In this letter to my father, we discuss this wonderful “house” He has created for us and His response to it now. But, there is new creation of His that is different now. And when He “cracks” the door to it He responds with rejoicing.


This letter was written to my father on February 1, 2019

Does Father Cry?

May the glory of the Lord endure forever; May the Lord rejoice in His works. Psalm 104:31

Good morning Pops,

Wow Pops, 19 days to 99! Looking forward to seeing you.

Psalm 104 is all about Father’s magnificent creation. Everything about this Universe, our solar system and our planet Earth is a testimony to Father’s glory. You have to choose “not to see” His imprint in all that exists. The evidence of His grand design is everywhere, yet most deny what is staring them square in their face.

Of course, Father’s greatest creation is us. We have been made in His image. As any creation tells of the creator, man is a reflection of Father Creator. How? Father’s reflection is all over His creation of man in a very dramatic way. So how are we humans so different from the rest of His creations?

We are eternal, to start with. We have been made a little less than angels according to Psalms. Apart from the angels, we are the only created being that has a soul, which is eternal. We will never cease to exist. We are the “work” that will endure forever.

When Father created Adam and Eve and established His desire for relationship, He stood back and called His work “good.” Now He looks at His creation, in its current condition, with sadness. As Jesus looked at Jerusalem and wept, Father is also filled with grief at our present condition. How can He not be? Heavenly tears must fall.

"As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it." Luke 19:41 NIV

God is love. Love will always want the best for that which is loved. Instead, He sees the decaying impact of sin on all of His creation. For His most prized creation, man, He weeps. The creation He put His eternal image into, due to sin, is so far from Him. He aches with a broken heart as any loving parent aches for their wayward child.

But there is one creation Father “rejoices” over. They are a “new creation.” They are His pride and joy. Who is it? Us, we who have believed on Jesus Christ. We who have been, by faith, redeemed from our decaying and dead position.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV. There it is! We, who are in Jesus, are pulled out of this decaying world and earth and are freshly made into a new creation. He sees us as spotless and without blemish. He rejoices when He looks upon us. He only sees the purity of His Son Jesus projected over all our shortcomings. Our souls, which belong to Him, will be with Him forever and He will rejoice over us for eternity. Wow. Pretty cool.

Let’s live each day with this truth in mind. Let’s live as “new creations” while we are temporarily behind enemy lines. We are His testimony to this decaying world that there is hope “in Christ.” Let’s make our daily walk a reflection of this Truth.

Love you Dad

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Oct 15, 2022

hard to imagine what Gods creation without the sin that has distorted and corrupted it. Being born in sin It’s all we have ever know.

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