Have you ever seen an angel? Can’t say that I have. Have you ever had an encounter with an angel? If you have put your faith in the redeeming blood of Christ, then the answer is most assuredly, yes! I believe we will be utterly amazed, when the veil is finally drawn back and all things are made known to us, at how incredibly involved they have been in our time here behind enemy lines.
How can I be so sure of this? First of all, be careful when listening to one who expounds on their great knowledge of the angelic world. We are told of many angelic encounters in the Bible but more is left out than is put in. There is a purposeful heavenly veil between our world and the angelic for a reason. As Oswald Chambers declares, “God’s Book puts the barrier clearly, ‘Thus far and no further.’” There is much of Father's divine economy that will remain a mystery until we cross over that threshold, that boundary that separates us from the wholeness of Heaven's wisdom and knowledge.
Back to being sure of angelic activity in your life as a bought-back child of God; Father simply tells us this is so.
“The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him. And delivers them.” Psalm 34:7
The NLT translation puts it this way, “For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him.”
I like that! How comforting is that, when, in this world it seems we are continually “up against it all!.” Encamping, surrounding, defending. Wow!, pretty amazing and altogether true. As I write this, there is an angel checking my spelling and covering my six. I just said "thank you" to him.
My beloved Cindy has seen an angel. In a dire and desperate time in her youth her faith needed the revealing of the actual angel who was protecting her to carry her through. That angel must have seen the need for faith to become sight to her in her battle against evil intentions. You can find her story in her book: Emergence, An Illustrated Memoire. (You can find the book on Amazon or her website, cindylouisette.com.)
This letter to my father describes a time when the surrounding and protecting angel(s) in our life became really apparent to us in a dramatic way. Yes, they are there, isn’t that wonderful and comforting to know! Enjoy the story.
“If you had eyes to see, you would perceive a bodyguard of angels always attending every one of the blood-bought family.” Charles Spurgeon
This letter was written to my father on March 14, 2018.
Rescuing Angels
The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him.
Hey Pops,
Angels about us, in the unseen. They are about me even as I write this. I wish I could see them. I have never seen an angel. Cindy has. Yes, they are real. They came to her in the most dire of times in her youth. Unfortunately, we live most of our days as if they don’t exist. If we believe we are in a battle against the influence of the evil spirit world, then we must equally believe in the reality of Father’s angels about us.
I recall vividly about 20 years ago, when we lived in Cincinnati, a dramatic encounter that was clearly a merciful intercession by an angel. We were driving on our way to the airport on a cold misty winter dawn morning. The freeway was empty, it was so early; the sun not yet showing itself. Speeding along, probably going around 70mph, I saw in front of me, with red flashing and glaring lights, the whole highway blocked and clogged with stopped cars. All of them askew in the road. People were out of their cars just standing around in the middle of the freeway. “What the heck is going on!” It was still very dim out and was very hard to see clearly through the mist.
When it became clear to me there was a major pile-up accident in front of me involving 15-20 cars, I immediately applied my brakes to slow down. Probably 200 feet away from the clump of cars, I was still going very fast as I pushed the brake pedal. Nothing! I mean nothing! Black ice was covering the entire road. The car was skating by now, headed directly into the pile of the cars and people blocking the entire road. 70 mph!
Helpless, I cried out to Cindy, “Hold on! We are going to crash.” All I could see was a mass of jumble cars in front of me. I tried to position our car to go head first into the pile to take the impact. I conceded in my mind that we were most likely going to hit some of the people standing about. As I skated closer to the pile, I saw two cars with a very narrow sliver of space in between them. I stopped braking as to not spin out of control. There were people standing in the road all about. I aimed for the hole. I screamed loudly, “Hold on!” We both expected the worse. We closed our eyes to not see what was about to eminently happen.
Out of control, the car shifted and dramatically and miraculously went through the narrow space in between the two cars. The perfect threading of a needle. Both side view mirrors collapsed simultaneously, I felt a slight nudge on my right front fender as we sped by the wrecked cars. When we opened our eyes, we were on the other side of the piled-up cars. Still going 70.
We looked at each other, astonished by what had just happened. We knew exactly what that was. An angel of Father had literally put his hand on our car and guided us through the narrow sliver of space. There can be no other possibility!
We arrived at the airport shaken. I inspected the car. Mirrors-no damage! Right fender-a slight scratch, so slight I never repaired it. That scratch reminded me for some years to come of what happen that morning.

We still, to this day, recount together that cold and misty morning. The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him. And He delivered us that day.
Angels, yes, they are all about.
Love you Pops
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what a story! I had an angel encounter. When living in Sacramento, I was walking my dogs at night and was moving at a brisk pace. I tripped over a raised area of sidewalk and was falling forward. Knowing I was going to hit the ground, I felt my body do a tuck and roll, flip head over heels and in a split second I was back on my feet, as though the fall never happened. but it did! I got home, took off my jacket and it was scuffed on the shoulder where I must have hit the pavement! But I was uninjured, the dogs weren’t scattered or upset…I know that it was an angel that protected me. The…
Wonder what the people standing about watching thought