Thoughts from the son about this letter post.
I wrote this letter to Pops over three years ago and in it I mention a “crud” event that happened in our home. When you are raising teenagers it seems the world is always throwing ample crud at them and this crud leaks into the home. I am glad it does, I would never want my kids to handle all this crud on their own. Also, this allows us parents to help them handle it hopefully with wisdom, love and grace, as I believe we did three years ago.
How many buckets of cruddy-crappy stuff have been filled since that time three years ago? Plenty! But with His love in our lives, we can handle it without freaking out. How about you, how’s your bucket doing? Any crud happening? If you are alive, the answer is most likely, yes. The Apostle Paul had a lot of crud happening in his life. His story is a very “cruddy” story. Let’s follow his example and find Father’s strength in our weakness. With His help let’s throw the bucket full of crud back into the enemy’s face.
January 6, 2019
Get this crud off of me!
My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told that I was going there to prepare a place for you? John 14:2
Hi Dad,
Yesterday, I noted the list that Paul mentions in Romans 8 of all the crud in this world that exists while we live behind enemy lines. Hard stuff, difficult stuff. Some idealists or naive people like to argue why should crud exist or why it has to get on us. Stop! I say to them. Crud and crap are! Sin and the Grand Liar reign in this earthly domain. Fact! Stop trying to wish it away and trying to find human cures that will always fail. Jesus was nailed to a cross because sin “is.” He did not remove sin and its associated consequences from this earth; He removed its inevitable penalty of death from those who believe on Him. We still have to deal with the crud while we are here. Crud in ourselves or in others.
Yesterday we discussed, in spite of all the crap in the world and its proximity to us or getting on us, nothing can separate us from Jesus and His love while we deal with it. That is Truth! That is Jesus.
Yesterday we had some crud get on our home. Doesn’t matter what it was, it’s sufficient to say it was crap. So today we are dealing with it. It is being handled with grace and love. The love of Christ is in this home. Jesus is in this home. His bucket of grace is overflowing. His dispensing of His grace is lavish and free.

Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ, nothing! I am so glad and thankful His bucket of grace is ever flowing and never depleted. I’ve got a ways to go in this living behind enemy lines paradigm and He may need to label a big bucket of it (grace) with just my name on it.
"Who then can separate us from the love of Christ?.....No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us." Romans 8: 35,37 GNT
As Cindy and I discussed this recent crud event, she shared how she looked forward to how wonderful it is going to be when we are with Father and Jesus. All of the battles in this enemy territory, over! Finally, all the lies and deceit of the Liar gone for eternity. Only to enjoy the completeness and inexplainable joy of Father’s presence.
There is a room for me in Father’s house, He says so. He is preparing it just for me. I wonder what it will look like? He knows me far better than I know myself so I know it will be beyond my wildest dream. All I ask is that it have your bookshelves in it, Dad. I am looking at them right now. A little taste of heaven, beautiful!
Love you Pops
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