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Have You Ever Been Passed Over?


Have you ever been passed-over?

I hated as a kid on the school playground when during recess we chose teams for softball games. (That was the big game back then, go Dodgers!!) How we chose the two captains, I don’t even know. Probably the biggest kid or the ones with the fancy baseball mitts. Anyway, when they began to choose their teams, guess who was usually in the last group of choices. I was a year younger than most of my grade and I was a scrawny skinny kid at that and…I didn’t own my own mitt. I was regularly “passed-over.”

Going forward, I have been passed-over a lot in my life. I’ve been good at many things but I have never been the “best.” I pride myself in doing my best but most times that hasn’t been quite enough. Medical school: passed-over, starting line-up in high school basketball: passed-over, performance awards and recognition: passed-over many a time. I could go on but you get the picture. Don’t feel bad for me, I’m all good because I’ve always done my best. I still feel good about myself.

Being passed-over is usually the result of some form of being judged; judged that you are not quite good enough to be included with the “chosen few.” In a society and culture that pivots on determining our self-worth by comparing ourselves to the really “cool” and “successful” people (we each know who they are in our lives) being passed over can be a common and regular source of hurt. So we keep on striving to measure up. If I could only be one of the chosen, then I’d be happy. At least that’s what we probably think anyway.

Now, on a happier note, there is one particular day that I was passed-over that I glory in. I find my hope and comfort for each day in the knowledge that I have been “passed-over.” I am eternally grateful for this “Passover” day in my life. Instead of being judged, this Passover day has liberated me from judgement. I have been eternally freed from not “measuring up” anymore. What a wonderful feeling this truth gives to my heart and soul.

Do you have such a “Passover” day in your life?

Enjoy this letter written to my father on a Good Friday.


This letter was written on March 30, 2018.

Steve's Passover Day

…and His form marred beyond human likeness. Isaiah 52:14

Good morning Pops,

It’s Good Friday today. It is unfortunate how many of us let this day pass without deep reflection.

We know there is injustice in this world. We know many times evil does win out over good. The history of the world is replete with told and untold stories of ugly travesties perpetrated on our human brotherhood. But on this day….about 2000 years ago, the purest of form of evil injustice took place.

The only perfect human that ever lived and will ever live was crucified. Jesus was fully human but He was fully God. And He died on a cross. He did this voluntarily. He could have called ten thousand angels but……He didn’t.

Billy poses the question in today’s reading: “Why did Jesus choose to suffer on the cross?” For sure, it was His choice.

There can be only one answer: LOVE.

As a human father, I have a glimmer of this kind of love. So do you Pops. I often tell the children that I would gladly give my life for theirs if necessary. And my love is bound by my human flaws and failings. It is not a perfect love. But Father God’s love…it is a perfect love. Only that kind of love would act on the behalf of all creation, past, present and future. Only that kind of perfect love would take all the darkness and ugliness of ALL sin of the human creation upon himself and take it to the gate of Hell…..for us.

What Jesus did for us on Good Friday demonstrates the amazing and passionate love He has for us, His creation. And yes, I do believe He would have placed Himself on the cross if it were just me alone who needed to be redeemed by His sacrifice. He went to the cross with Steve on His heart. “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” Isaiah 49:16 NIV. As the nail was piercing Jesus’ flesh, it was going thru my name engraved on His hand. It was my name that caused Him to humble Himself, even death on the cross.

“I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” Isaiah 49:16 NIV.

Today is my “Passover Day.” Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, Father can pass over my sin. His sacrifice that lonely Friday is “Passover Day” for anybody who chooses to believe, but sadly most will reject this gift. Until one “believes” in this sacrifice made on their behalf and “declares” the Lordship of Jesus in their lives, this “Passover Day” will not count toward them. A gift is not received until it is taken and opened. Belief is how we take the bloodied wrapping paper off the gift and open it to make it our own. Many will rip the wrapping paper off the gift, some like me will gently pull the paper off over time, but all the same, we have made the gift our own. Most of creation will not take this supreme gift of Father. Sad.

I believe He died for Me. I believe He was raised on the third day. I believe He is Lord. And because I believe, the gift of salvation is mine. Thank you, Father! Thank you for passing over and not judging me unworthy of your grace, love and forgiveness.

Love you Pops

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