I have been traveling around Southern Florida this week with my beloved brother. We take a trip once a year together and this year Florida was the lucky winner. Our goal has been to see all three of the National Parks here. As we have made our way through amazing and beautiful sights I have been able to draw a clear conclusion. The Maker of these amazing creatures and their matching intricately beautiful environments was very passionate about His handiwork. He didn’t casually form these spectacular animals and the incalculable complexity of their homes by rote and mundane attendance. No, His thoughts and actions directed by His passion loudly speak of His glory, power, immensity and wonder.
What about me? If my thoughts and actions were to be observed by a passer-by, what would their conclusion be? What would be seen as my passion in life? A sobering question for me. I explain my response to this penetrating question to my father in this letter.
This letter was written to my father on February 5, 2019
Honesty Hurts Sometimes
My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Psalm 84:2
Good morning Pops,
If someone were to look at my life from the inside and outside, what would their conclusion be? What would they say, by what they have observed, that I am “longing” for in my life? Do my "passions" evidence my personal "longings?" I’m not sure I want the answer. In fact, I don’t need their answer because I already know it and I am not proud of it many times.
Yes, there have been times when my heart’s passion has been to draw close, really close, to Father. Unfortunately, they usually occur when there is a raging storm overhead in my life. Why does it have to take the trials and problems of life to drive us to Father? I wonder how that makes Him feel? Have you ever had a particular person who only called you when they were in trouble and want something from you? You see their name on the caller ID and say, “Oh boy, here we go again.” Not saying Father feels that way, but...I’m pretty sure He would like our relationship to be more than that. I would.
Father is all about relationship. He really wants to be “one” with us. So much so that when our daily relationship is hindered in some way (usually by sin) and the resulting separation results in an emotional desperate plea for restoration, He is so very desirous to mend that separation with His forgiveness. He wants our walk to match the Psalmist’s description in Psalms 84:10.
“Better is a day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.” NIV.
Does this describe me? If not why?

Why do we turn down totally satisfying “living water” only to grovel for a cheap temporary counterfeit? Stuuupid!
Father, in your mercy and grace, forgive me when I turn down your abundance. May my heart become passionately destitute for you, each and every day. Truly, you are good to me.
Love you Pops
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I’m reminded On a trip to Yellowstone standing at the foot of an immense waterfall it occurred to me that it was a picture of Gods Grace and mine was more like a dripping faucet. Thanks for sharing