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I'm So Weary!

This letter was written to my father on January 20, 2019

Introduction to letter

Stop a hundred random people passing by and pose this question to them, “Do you ever have a feeling of weariness in your life, are there times when you feel the burden of life’s gyrations?” It wouldn’t matter when you asked this question. Pick a time in any of the many millenniums of the past to ask, the answer would be returned with the same response. If you could get all posed this question to be viscerally honest, the answer from all would be, “Why yes, yes I do feel weary sometimes, I do feel the burdens that are present in the ‘everydayness’ of living and life.” No matter what the time, the history of mankind has been very efficient in providing ample sources that cause weariness and burden.

Let’s be honest, there is no equity as to the distribution of this weariness and burden. Some, be it a person, a people or a nation, seem to have been dealt a bad hand. The cards in their hands have way too many “weary” and “burden” icons at the top to seem fair. Why this is, we will never be able to explain. That it is so is glaringly apparent.

Our current times are dishing out abundant sources that can cause weariness and burden. Your list of reasons may look entirely different than mine, but they find their commonality in that they are real to us and impact each of us deeply.

History screams the truth that there will never be a solution or remedy of human origin to this “weary and burden” dynamic we find our selves in. We humans just have the knack of messing things up. All we have to do is look inward to our own families and homes. We all can quickly point to “weary and burden” in them, in ourselves. If we can’t solve that then how the heck can we solve the world sized “weary and burden” problems. Best take the log out of our own eyes before we try to pull the splinter out of the world’s eye.

OK, so we have agreement! There is plenty of “weary and burden” out there. ****NEWS FLASH****ALERT! ALERT! There has been a solution found to this “weary and burden” dynamic of life. This mysterious solution has been finally revealed for all who are alive. In this letter to my father this is the topic, the remedy to the “weary and burden” we find in the “everydayness” of life.


Letter to Pops

I'm So Weary!

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give

you rest. Matthew 11:28

Good morning Pops,

Things have really become messed up; don’t you think Pops! It was never Father’s intention for us to live the way we do. His preferential will was for a wonderful daily relationship with Him, one represented by “a stroll side by side in the Garden.” Father created a very special place for us where this relationship and friendship was to take place. But we royally messed it up. The two things He gave us to separate us from the rest of His creation, our eternal souls and a self-directed will, we allowed the Grand Liar to hijack and set into motion the predicament we now find ourselves in. We now live in a decaying and corrupted world, in decaying bodies with souls that are dead and separated from our once friend and Creator.

What is the result of this mutiny? We each live a life full of weary and burden. “…all you who labor and are heavy laden…” describes the condition of every living human. Oh, we may have episodes of “happy” to break it up a bit but, by and large, there is a boat load of “weary and burden” for each of us in this life.

We would quickly find our way to a doctor who promised a complete cure for a terminal disease, especially if we had lost all hope otherwise. Is not Jesus that doctor? The disease of sin with its symptoms of “weary and burden” is coursing aggressively through our soul’s veins. We have no hope without some miracle cure.

Jesus says, “I am that cure.” All we have to do is humble ourselves and “Come.” Why is it so hard for us to come? The Grand Liar has thrown a counterfeit cure out there which does not require us to humble ourselves and admit our hopeless diseased state. He offers the illusion of cure through self-realization and me-ism. “I can solve all my problems myself. I will only count on myself.” Sound familiar? How’s it working?

"For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish." Jeremiah 31:25

I thank God for the simplicity of Jesus’ appeal to us. “Come to me.” That is all. But come with humility, come hungry for his cure, which is simply Himself. And what is the result? “.........and you will find rest for your souls.” Vs. 29 NIV

Oh, how simple, oh, how beautiful is His message. Let’s have a simple heart of a child and respond to His call to come. That stroll with the Father every day is available to us now through faith in His Son.

Wishing you rest today Pops!

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Jul 23, 2022

Amazing how many convoluted attempts we make to solve the issues of life when all we need to do is come to Him and he will give us rest

Jul 23, 2022
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Pride goes before the fall. We all hate to admit we can’t do it on our own.


Jul 23, 2022

Steve, I really think you should publish. These are great. Maybe start small with a one month devotional

Jul 23, 2022
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Very kind words! Humbled.

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