Many years ago, when I was entrenched in pharmaceutical sales and marketing, I used to call on many upper echelon physicians, cardiologists mostly. I was always a little intimidated by them, honestly. The cardiac surgeons were considered the “crème de la crème” of their professional enclave. I remember walking into many of their “fancy” offices and my immediate reaction was, “What the heck am I doing here? And I’m supposed to teach this guy about my company’s medication, riiiight, good luck!”
Upon walking through their office door I was quickly thrust into a credibility vault. Everything in their office proclaimed loudly all of their extensive training, endless diplomas enshrined on glossy plaques, all their awards and recognition mounted conspicuously to be seen. Pictures of the “Who’s Who” on the walls, the elaborated desks and office furniture oozed authority to frame their person.
What was the result of this display? Belief. Belief that they were the “best of the best” in their area of specialty. They wanted their patients to know and believe they were being treated by the best.
I wonder if we were to walk into God’s office what the impact would be. What does it look like, what would His walls be telling us about Him? I imagine His office desk would be pretty elaborate to match His “throne” like chair.
I wrote this letter to my father about prayer. In it I share with Him a story about what God’s office would look like. He needed at the time an authoritative and credible God in his life with his cancer over taking his body. And I need the same authoritative and credible God in my life right now? Do you?
This letter was written on December 11, 2018.
What Does God's Throne Office Look Like?
For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form…
Colossians 2:9 NIV
Good morning Pops,
Your child is sick, very sick. Only the “right” physician will be able to save her. The frantic search begins. The word goes out on social media amongst your friends and family of your great need. The names start rolling in. Now you have to pick one of these doctors. How do you do this? You spend desperate time and money visiting the select few who have passed your initial vetting.
Then you see the doctor sitting behind the elaborate desk as you are ushered into his office. Your eyes immediately go to the enshrined diplomas and certificates hung neatly on the wall behind his desk. They seem to be endless in amount. All the training, all the credentials, displayed there on the wall. They represent countless years of training and experience. You are greatly impressed, to say the very least. These plaques, their purpose fulfilled, you believe.
Then your eyes quickly go to the other walls. Awards, newspaper articles of groundbreaking surgeries, pictures of past patients saved, a picture of the doctor shaking the hand of the President. These walls seem to breathe needed hope into you. Evidence that what the diplomas and certificates declare loudly is actually true.
Yes, this is the doctor! This is the “one!” With tears in your eyes you plead, “Please doctor, please save my child. Will you do this for me? I want my child’s picture on your wall.”
You are leaving the hospital; your daughter has the biggest radiant smile. Success! She is going home. "Yes! I made the right choice!"
Why is it that we do not approach Jesus and Father God with the same kind of confidence and hope when bringing our needs before them?
Surely the throne office of Father God is more impressive than some doctor’s fancy office. And look at His walls! If we can focus on what the plaques, certificates and news articles say above the sound of the endless praise sung by the heavenly hosts of angels, we should be overwhelmingly impressed.
Some of those plaques and certificates read:
“The Great I AM”
“The Alpha and Omega”
“Creator of All Things”
“I am the Way and the Truth”
“I am the Bread of Life”
“I am the Resurrection and the Life”
“I am the Light of the World”
Looking to His other wall we would be equally impressed. Endless articles written about Him plastered on that wall; some headlines read:
“Jesus Walks on Water”
“Jesus Commands the Wind and Waves”
“Jesus Raises Close Friend From the Dead”
“Jesus Heals the Crippled”
“Jesus Captivates Crowd with Truth”
“Jesus Feeds Thousands with a Few Loaves of Bread and Several Fish”
“Jesus Gets into Wine Business using just Water”
“Centurion Declares Servant Healed by Jesus with only Words”
“Jesus Uses Mud to Bring Sight to Blind Man”
“Leper Declared Clean after Encounter with Jesus”
“Woman Healed by Simply Touching Jesus’ Robe”
“Paralytic’s Friends Punch Hole in Roof to get to Jesus, Walks Out of House Healed”
On the opposite wall we read more headlines:
“God Creates Universe in Seven Days”
“God Too Big to Explain”
“God Defeats Satan in 3 Day War”
“God Raises Son from Dead”
“God Gives All Authority to Son, J. Christ”
“God Redeems His Human Creation”
“God Existed Before Time and Space”
“God Is”
Next time we bring our prayers and petitions before the throne of Father, let us remember and know who we are speaking to. He is well qualified to answer our prayers. Let's dwell endlessly on the "Truth" of His speaking walls and let them speak belief into our hearts, minds and souls.
In Jesus all the fullness of Father God dwells. In Jesus all the power of Father God exists, for Jesus and Father are One. There is nothing they cannot do for us. But also, let us trust them as to what is best for us. Their ways are higher than ours.
Let us then approach God’s throne of Grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 NIV
Love you Pops
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I love this! I've been doing a couple of studies, interestingly, this topic of understanding just WHO we're dealing with continues to surface. Coincidence, probably not, that seems to be how Yahweh gets my full attention. When I pray, do I pray like I believe, or just that I hope. God's good desires for me never run out.