This letter was written to my father on January 21, 2019.
OK, here goes, I’m going to vent a little. Have you ever had somebody quickly throw out an overused trite answer to solve your problem after you have openly shared with them? I hate that! “I’m really struggling financially.” “Make more money!” “I never get a good night’s sleep.” “Go to bed earlier!” “I have trouble with anger.” “Control yourself more.” “My wife and I aren’t getting along.” “Listen more!” “God doesn’t hear me.” “Pray more.” Reeeally?! Yuck! I’m sure you’re getting the picture at what I’m trying to say.
Confession time. You know, I’m as guilty as anyone in wanting to dish out quick uncompassionate advice. We type A’s are prone to such verbal malfeasance. It’s something I’m working on. My poor family.
What’s all this got to do with the letter I wrote to my father on January 21, 2019?
The verse on this particular day in our daily reading was Ephesians 5:18. “Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” Instead of what? Well, in this letter Paul was addressing drunkenness. So, he’s saying, instead of getting drunk, just be filled with the Spirit. Sounds a little trite to me, sort of canned.
The problem isn’t with Paul’s answer, the problem is with the guy in the mirror. Paul is speaking Truth here. His answer is the real deal. The problem is that I don’t understand the power of his answer. I don’t understand the power of the Holy Spirit in me and what He wants to do for me. My reaction to the simplicity of Paul’s answer is an indictment on me and my immaturity as a Christ follower. Father has provided the way through any situation I am in. His answer? “Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”
More on this in my letter to Pops.
Fill me up, please!
Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18
Hi Dad,
Paul’s words here were written to the believers in Ephesus. He had spent considerable time there teaching these new believers about their new life in Christ.
Being a port city, the prevailing culture of this city had to have been quite raucous with the influence of many kinds of peoples and their attendant practices. To say the least, living there as a Christ follower was going strongly against the social current and was not going to be easy. (Sound vaguely familiar?!) Paul’s words were meant to provide encouragement to them.
As our culture continues to succumb to the relentless attacks of our enemy, you might say that we are living in a modern-day Ephesus today. We are living in a day where almost anything goes and “how dare we” saying anything to counteract the current trend of social relativistic thinking.
So how do we live in such a place? How do we believers stay strong in our walk amongst forces that revel in taking us down? How do we find joy and peace living here behind enemy lines? Is it even possible?
Of course, the answer is “yes,” but there are days when the struggle against the strong currents of our culture is very hard. What is Paul’s answer to this? His answer: “Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” Instead of what? The verse preceding this one says; “Be careful, then, how you live, not as unwise but as wise. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” Ephesians 5:18 NIV
Let’s extrapolate here. We might interpret “get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery” as any activity that leads to questionable virtue-less behavior.
A today’s version might be:
-Instead of partying and getting drunk, be filled with the spirit.
-Instead of letting anger control you, be filled with the spirit.
-Instead of letting sensuality control you, be filled with the spirit.
We could list a hundred more, couldn’t we?
We all struggle with something. If one says they don’t, I don’t believe them! It might be more appropriate for each of us to just fill in the blank. “Steve, instead of _______________, be filled with my spirit.” Paul’s answer is simple, “Let the spirit of Jesus fill you up instead of filling up on the world’s junk. Jesus’ spirit will carry you through and meet your need with His power.”
Sounds simple, doesn't it! I really wish Paul had added a chapter entitled “How to be filled with the Spirit.” Why didn’t he? If it was so difficult and complicated to be “filled,” I think he would have extrapolated. But he didn’t. So, I have to think we are the ones that complicate this “filling up” of the Holy Spirit thing.
I think the answer to the problem lies in us trying to do the “doing” and forgetting that the Spirit is a gift. You don’t have to do anything for a gift, you just have to receive it. We need to stop trying to do “stuff” so we are “good enough” to be filled. We will never be good enough.

In Matthew 18:3, Jesus says we need to become like little children to enter into His Kingdom. We all know what that means. Faith. The faith of a child. That’s what we need. I have believed on Jesus for my salvation through faith. Now take that same faith and believe on the Spirit.
If we have unconfessed sin, take it to Him now (1 John 1:9), get that taken care of by faith, then go to Him and ask for more faith. Faith to be filled with His Spirit every day. We need to go to Him as a child every day and ask Him to fill us up.
He’s a wonderful Father, the perfect parent. Would you withhold such a gift to your child who is asking? Neither will He.
“Beware of telling people they must be worthy to receive the Holy Spirit; you can’t be worthy, you must know you are unworthy, then you will ask for the gift.” Oswald Chambers
Love you Dad
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