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SHAME: An Ugly Place To Be


There are many power human emotions. We could make a long list, the biggies that stand out to me are: fear, anger, happiness, joy, excitement and sadness. And then there is shame. In many ways “shame” belongs in its own category. There is no other emotion that can reach deep down into the core of our hearts and violently pull out and discard any worth we might find in ourselves. Is there any worse place to be, in a state of shame?

It is one of the enemy’s greatest tools to accomplish his sabotaging activity in the hearts of Father’s creation. Whether it is internally produced or forced upon us by some outside evil intending force, shame will exact a high price in our lives if it is not thwarted by Truth.

As with anything, the devices of our enemy can be used by the Father to accomplish His desired will for us. What about shame? Can He use this vile and ugly emotion to accomplish His intended purpose for us? Is it possible that shame when used by the hands of the Father can be the most liberating emotion we will ever experience? Can it be that it is there we reach our wit's end and fling ourselves into His redeeming Love through faith in His Son Jesus? Once more the enemy’s evil intent is destroyed and Father’s ultimate will accomplished: relationship restored.

The Apostle Paul knew a lot about shame. I imagine its treacherous claws were tightly ripping him apart when he met the Risen Christ on the famous road-trip to Damascus. The King of Glory, the Alpha and Omega, the Lord Almighty Himself, the presence of Pure Love slamming into the inhumane and murderous acts of the pharisee of pharisees, Saul. Yes, he felt shame. When the Truth, Jesus, met Saul, the shame he felt was overwhelmed and over powered by Love. Let this be said of ourselves.

Yes Jesus, thank for taking my shame away. How wonderful you are!

In this letter to my father, I discuss “shame” and how John speaks of it in 1 John 2:28.


This letter was written to my father on January 26, 2019

SHAME: An Ugly Place To Be

And now, dear Children, remain in fellowship with Christ so that when He returns, you will be full of courage and not shrink back from Him in shame. 1 John 2:28

Hi Pops,

I often wonder if I will be alive when Jesus comes back for His believing church. Comes back not for the “religious,” not for those who have done “good” things, but for those who have put their personal “saving” faith in the work of Jesus’ death on the cross as the payment for their sin.

There’s a part of me that hopes I will not experience a physical death, but be taken up with Him to my new home before my body fails. Only time will tell. If the New Testament Church was told to watch and be ready, for sure, that applies to us, the believing church today.

What if He does come back in our life time? What will be our response? This is what John’s verse is about.

John charges us to be in “fellowship” with Christ when He comes. Meaning each of us being in “right” relationship with Him. If I have fellowship with my children, that means we are in good standing with each other. So much so that we can “fellowship” together and enjoy each other. Does that describe my relationship with Christ today? If not, then I need to correct it, quickly. I don’t have to earn my way back by “doing” better or better things. Nope, I need only to simply confess my shortcomings (sin) to Him and accept His forgiveness. 1 John 1:9. There, done, fellowship restored, wonderful grace received!

John talks about the response of “shame” at His return. Shame, in this instance, is the emotion we feel when we consciously acknowledge our guilt. If we feel shame at His return it is not because He is making us feel that way. Love does not force shame on the one being loved. True Love always takes away shame.

If we are “in Christ” and we are if we are part of His believing church, all Father God sees is the brilliant whiteness of Christ himself when He looks at us. We are “righteous” before Him. Only because Jesus took ALL our sin with Him on the cross and bore it in His death. He will look at us no differently when we are caught up with Him at His second coming. His blood has cleansed us from all unrighteousness. This is not a one-time deal cleansing; His blood is ever efficacious. I like the AMP translation of 1 John 1:9: “…and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness.”

One of Father’s greatest attributes is His divine ability to forget. He does not remember our sin. He has removed it “as far as the east is from the west.” So, if we feel shame upon His return, it will be inwardly created by ourselves. It will never be there because He is “shaming” us for our mistakes.

Why would we feel shame? Well, if we are not in fellowship with Him, if our relationship is not in “good” standing, we, mostly likely, will feel shame. My children do not lose their permanent status as my children simply because we are out of fellowship. Nothing can or will ever change that bond. So why would I feel shame? Because the unconfessed sin in my life will be so blatantly illuminated by His absolute purity.

Upon His return, we will fully experience Father’s indescribable glory, the magnitude of His holiness and power. Is it possible unconfessed sin and rebellion in our lives will result in us feeling “shame” because of our utter unworthiness, in our own right, to be in His presence? It is possible all of us who are His children will experience some degree of shame upon His return, no matter what our "fellowship" standing. His pure holiness will wash over us in such an amazing and all-encompassing way that any remnant of our "natural man" will respond with shame. There will be no part of us that is worthy of His presence apart from what Christ has done for us.

I am no theologian but I have to imagine this shame, if it is felt, will be very short lived. Because we are “in Christ” and have “become the righteousness of God,” Father’s overpowering grace and mercy will flow over us in such a powerful and overwhelming way that this “shame” will be rapidly replaced with celebration and praise. As we ascend with Jesus into our new home, there will be no shame allowed!! Tears, shame and regret will be barred at the gates of Heaven. We will enter into a glorified completeness in Christ. The true fellowship that Father has always intended for us will replace all our fears and strivings. Only joy, peace and a true eternal happiness will remain.

Oh, what a day that will be, Pops! Come Lord Jesus, come!

Love you Dad!

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Sep 11, 2022

Great insight into shame as an alternative to repentance. Reading in revelation this morning and when the hammer comes down on the lost their reaction is anger towards God. Lord help me to repent when you expose my sin.

Sep 11, 2022
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