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The Curse and Blessing of Conformity


The New Webster dictionary tells me that “conformity” is any action I take that brings me into alignment with some specified standard or authority. As I was driving today to meet my son for lunch I decided to do a little test. I was going to count the ways during my short little venture that I sensed that pressure was being put on me to conform to somebody else’s standard.

First, there was the government’s standard of a speed limit, announced in the form of glaring signs along the side of the road. I conformed, I did not speed. In fact, I probably went under the speed limit because I was driving my 65’ Mustang. I was then being bullied to conform to the speed of the car behind me. The large, glaring and flashing headlights in my rearview mirror and the front grill of this car almost making an impression on my trunk lid gave quick evidence that I was not conforming to his standard of speed. (I never go fast in my Mustang because anything over 50 years old does not take pot holes very well and I’m not just speaking about my car.) Along the way I was told through various means that if I conformed I would be happier if I wore a Rolex watch, had my teeth whitened, lived in a new 55+ community and took a meal at some new fancy restaurant. And this was all before I even got to the restaurant to meet my son.

The pressure to conform to the world’s standard is relentless and comes in every form and nuance. The world says, “You need to be like me, so conform or I will reject you.” This battle line is becoming very clear and real today, the battle line between the world’s standards and authority and that of the standards and authority of Father God.

Conforming to one standard will lead to a never-ending search for fulfilment and purpose and lead to ultimate defeat, the other to “His good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2.

In this letter to my father “conformity” is our discussion. We have to choose, conform to the enemy’s lies or to the truth of Father’s Word. One cannot do both and the stakes are high.


This letter was written to my father on January 31, 2019.

The Curse or Blessing of Conformity

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2

Good morning Dad,

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2 NIV

Conformity. There is a relentless pressure put on us to conform to the world. Most every message that enters through our eyes and ears from our modern society loudly yells at us, “If you are not like us, then we will treat you differently and reject you.” To complicate the matter, we all like the feeling of belonging and receiving approval from others through conformity.

Jesus’ statement is brutally honest. “If the world hates you, keep in mind it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.” John 15:18-19 NIV

If the world loves us, it is telling. Why does the world hate us? Darkness hates light. When we are living in such a manner that the character of Christ’s light bleeds through, Truth and Love, the world responds by condemnation. “How dare you expose who we really are!! You are a bigot and we reject you.”

If “bigot” is the label given me for steady devotion to my relationship with Christ as Lord and living as He wants me to live, a testimony to His truth and love, then yes, I will accept that.

When we, who are in Christ by faith, make choices that “conform” to this world’s system, several things happen. This “conformity” never leads to fullness and satisfaction. The Spirit of Father in us bears witness to our spirits that this “conformity” is not what He wants for us. Oh, it might be sweet for a moment, but it will leave a bitter taste only to reminds us who we really belong to. Also, the world is quite confused as to who we are as believers. “Hey, how come you talk and act just like us? We thought you are supposed to be different.” I hate to say it, we sort of slander the name of Jesus by our conformity to the world.

Fortunately, Jesus says, “Steve I understand the battle. I love you anyway, I will always be here when you are ready to come my way.”

Two life principles:

1) “We become like those we associate with.”

Hang with the world, become like the world. To the young believer, this is a huge battle. “How do I not hang with the world?” Father calls us to operate in the world all the while not being of the world. That’s really the story of the New Testament. I can be in the world and not be like the world. Yes, it will demand that I make some choices. There are things the world does that I will have to let go and leave and not participate in. The truth is that Jesus will be my fullness now, a “living water” fullness. So much better than the “sugar highs of happy” that the world gives.

2) “The lone banana gets pealed.”

My kids hate it when I remind them of this. There is strength in numbers, there is strength in “hanging” in bunches. That is one purpose of the body of Christ. Living life out there alone as a believer? Good luck. The lion prowls looking for that stray banana-sheep. Not saying it can’t be done, but hasn’t been my experience anyway. Remember, we become like those we associate with. Hang with strong believers, guess what? You become strong by their example and instruction. There is always much to be gained by being around more mature Christ followers.

So, we “renew” our minds by association.

Associate with Father through His Word.

Associate with Father through prayer.

Associate with Father through being active with other like-minded Christ followers.

What happens when we do this? Conformity is thwarted and transformation takes place.

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind” NKJV

Love you Pops

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