I hope you are not like me. Because of my diminished capacity to remember things, especially the important, I am notorious for making checklists. I have them for almost everything.
For leaving on any kind of trip there is a checklist for the car and travel arrangements and packing.
For taking the sailboat out, there is a checklist, for leaving the sailboat, there is an additional checklist.
Spring clean-up, another checklist.
Christmas gift buying, a huge checklist.
For living today, Saturday, Dec. 31, I already have a check list with the many things I need to get done.
I could go on and make a huge list of my checklists but you get the idea. I do not know how else to make sure I get the important things done in my life. It will never change, at least on this side of eternity.
As we enter into 2023 there is but only one checklist that we ought to review, it’s the Love Plan checklist. Do not proceed any further without making sure you have checked the box on this list. To do so is life threatening.
I discussed this checklist with my father at the end of 2018. Thankfully he had checked the box on the list because 2019 was his last year on this side of eternity.
Happy New Year.
This letter was written on December 26, 2018.
The LOVE PLAN Checklist
He was wounded for our transgressions. Isaiah 53:5
Hi Pops,
Christmas Day is gone. So, what now? I love the celebratory season of Christmas, but if it does not impact my everyday going forward then ..... so what? If it does not change me and how I look at everyday life then ..... eh, what good was my token acknowledgement of His coming?
Now, the focus needs to be on the question of why did He come. I love Christmas time but without the end of the story, it really just doesn’t amount to much. It’s a great story, but its tentacles won’t ever reach into and alter my life. Its impact on my life is really nothing at all. Ho hum, nothing changes, nothing at all, especially my eternal destination unless the story culminates with the Easter miracle.
Jesus, the Alpha and Omega, the Great I Am, the one through whom all things were created and through whom all things hold together, this Jesus born on Christmas Day was born into the flesh of humanity only for one purpose. And that was to die. The Way, the Truth and the Life was here purely to…die. (He showed us His character and Love while here, but that meant nothing if He did not die.)
It was only through His death that the Love Plan of Father could be activated. Every second of history up to this point had its purpose in bringing about this Easter event. But what about every second of history thereafter? That’s the part of history that I am a part of. What events need to happen in my life for me to be a part of this Love Plan? Unless I can be part of the plan, then what good is it?
The Jewish nation, in most part, missed it. They missed the culmination of their century’s old prophecies. They knew the scriptures but they didn’t “know” them as to seeing the Truth. I don’t want to be like them. How senseless, how sad would that be. Truth stared them literally in their faces, let that not be said of me in the same way.
Jesus born. Jesus died. Jesus resurrected. Jesus ascended. Jesus coming again. Why? It’s the Love Plan! It’s the plan to save me. From what? Sin and its penalty of death. The Plan only counts if it delivers its intended result to me. Redemption! Have I applied to Plan to my life?
Love Plan activation directions; please follow directions carefully, ignoring directions will cause eternal harm! Refer to manual (Bible) for more explicit explanation for proper activation:
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 NIV
Love Plan Eternity Checklist:
-Activate Love Plan Personally; apply personal belief in Jesus to your heart.
Put a big check mark on that item! What a great feeling!
Love you Dad!!
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After that begins the faith journey never seeing Him only the effects of His intervention. Like the wind !