It has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword. The pen, in its transcription of words, is unique in its ability to convey and transfer ideas and thus meaning. Words do this. They are laden with substance, depth and meaning. And the greatest desire of any human being is to find meaning and purpose. Words.
How guilty I am of letting words pass from my mouth and collide with another soul without giving them meaning. Maybe I have, maybe their meaning is just what it is, not much. I stand convicted. Each word as it leaves my mouth has meaning, the word itself, how it is said, this symbiotic combination create value and depth or the lack thereof. Is my family richer for the hearing of my words or possibly poorer? Probably a little of both sometimes.
Words. When spoken by someone of authority, words uttered take on an added dimension. A mother, a father, if you have any authority, do not be careless. Be cautious when crafting your words for the words you speak may out live you, they will endure. Will they endure to provide encouragement and healing to the hearer or possibly create eroding and destructive waves that continually crash upon someone’s fragile shore?
It is rare when words are spoken that impact the whole world. In 1941 a man spoke words. They were spoken to a nation gasping for breath, looking for sustaining meaning, a nation desperately wanting to survive. The words were spoken with authority and passion and gave his hurting people the courage to withstand, to endure, to fight, to outlast their evil enemy. His words gave the English people the will to win. His words changed the world. An evil tyrant was held at bay.
“Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” Winston Churchill
As generations roll on, as time passes, the power of a man’s words, no matter his or her authority, will diminish, even possibly disappear altogether. We see this. Churchill would be astounded at today’s England, he would wonder if any of the words he had ever spoken counted for anything today. Sadly,……they most likely don’t.
Only once in the history of mankind were words ever spoken and who’s power would outlast time and space. They continually wash over the whole of humanity, past, present and future. Words that impacted every man and woman alive at their speaking and the truth of these words continue to roll forward with hope and meaning to every human born hence forth.
These three words drove a dividing stake into the ground of the eternal battlefield of every man’s fought-over soul. In fact, it is these three simple words that marked the defeat of the enemy and the end of the raging battle for every living soul to earn redemption. Just three words. Spoken by a man with supreme authority, authority over all that has been and will ever be, the Alpha and Omega Himself.
“When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” John 19:30 NIV
Has there ever been uttered words more powerful than these three? All of man’s history, past, present and future hinges on the truth of this astounding combination of words. My eternal future pivots on the power of this simple utterance. Three words that changes everything for everyone. “It….is….finished.” It is complete, it is done, it has been brought to completion. There is nothing more we can do and there is nothing we need to add.
Every soul has been offered the result of the completed finished task of Christ, a bridge over the dividing chasm of sin. A bridge that allows us to end the war with Father God over our sin problem and become what we were intended to be, clean and “right” before Him.
Let’s stop trying to add onto what has been “finished.” “I’m not good enough. I need to clean up my life. I need to do this, I need to do that for God to love me (more). I need to ________.” No….no you don’t. You don’t need to do anything. It is finished! What had to be done for you to receive the gift of redemption has been paid in full. The only thing we are allowed to bring to the table is our belief in what He did for us on the cross. John 3:16.
Yes, the “finished” work of the cross of Christ stands for eternity. All earthly kingdoms, all of man’s words will pass away, but the “finished” transaction of Jesus on the cross stands for eternity.
“It is finished.” Thank you Jesus for uttering those words! Thank you for “finishing” what I could not do for myself. I bring you my heart’s belief, I bring you the confession of my tongue. You are the Christ and through your “finished” task I have been made clean and whole before my Father God. Thank you King and Savior.
Happy Easter