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TRUTH vs Relativism

Introduction to this letter written to the father

Truth vs Relativism

I feel so bad for my children and their generation. They have grown up in an era where the “truth” means about as much as “love” does these days, nothingness. It means whatever you want it to mean, thus it means nothing at all.

Welcome to the new world, the new world where there is no recognized transcendental Truth to chart one’s path by; confusion reigns due to the existence of many “truths.” Try to go South if you can’t figure out where North is, you can’t. There are so many “truths” floating out there these days which directly contradict and cancel each other that the result is the same as when you mix all colors together; you get a bleak landscape. Look at today’s headlines, it's really bleak out there! Again, welcome to the new and prevailing Western cultural religion of Relativism.

Relativism denies the existence of a transcendental truth, a Truth that all subsequent "truths" emanate from. Thus, there is no truth at all, there can’t be. Pure logic leads to that conclusion if this new religion is “true.” Or, whatever you “feel” and want to believe is deemed as being “true” for you. Extrapolating this idea; there can theoretically be the same number of plausible “truths” running around out there as the number of human beings in existence. Relativism tells us that we, as a race, can hold any “truth” we want and that we are accountable to nobody. We can decide now what is “true” purely by our feelings and personal preferences. The result of Relativism is that there can be no “right” and “wrong.” If you argue against this conclusion then you are admitting there is a “truth” out there and you are accountable to it. Pure Relativism cannot condemn anything, even a Hitler or Stalin, and still say you have a right to your "own truth." “Right” is whatever you “feel” it to be and that can change from day to day, moment to moment.

Non-believers hate the notion of “the Truth.” If “the Truth” exists then it leads to the logical conclusion that we are accountable to it. And we humans do not want to be accountable to anyone or anything. The seed that was spawn in the Garden has led to a pandemic disease; the disease called sin. Relativism is simply a very large symptom of the entrenched and underlying corrupting disease of sin.

“In today’s world, the cult of the individual is the new religion. No one is allowed to contradict the individual, to tell him he is wrong…. We have to pretend that all individuals, no matter how vile, are sacred. After all, everyone has their own truth, so everyone is automatically right.” J. Dixon

“I am the way, the Truth and the life.” Jesus. John 14:6 NIV

In this letter to my father, I try to approach this topic of “truth” and “relativism.” Even though Pops grew up in an era that, at large, did not dispute the existence of “the Truth,” he would have had a hard time articulating the foundational need for a transcendent "true north Truth" to guide your life by. It gives pleasure to my heart and soul to "know" that Pops, at this very moment, is in the presence of The Truth, who is Jesus Christ.


This letter was written to Pops on January 12, 2019

Truth vs Relativism

We are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. 1 John 5:20

Hey Pops,

One of the dramatic pivot points in the entire history of mankind that has echoed ever since is when a man with great political power utter the words, “What is truth?” John 18:38 NIV. He, Pilate, had Jesus standing directly before Him. The TRUTH was literally staring straight into his eyes yet he chose not to recognize Him. History turned a dramatic corner that day. Jesus was turned over to be crucified.

Right before Pilate utter those famous words, Jesus said to him, “....the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the Truth.” John 18:37 NIV. Jesus came to reveal and to testify to the "truth," which was himself.

We live in an era of relativism. Relativism does not recognize the existence of truth. It is not possible for it to do so because relativism is all about continual change. Truth never changes. Many politicians are famous for being relativistic. I love their explanations for positions they have once taken and have now changed about fundamental issues. “Well, my position on this or that has ‘evolved’ and I have changed,” or so they say. Our current culture and society are just as guilty in this wishy-washy relativistic way of seeing things. A culture not founded on truth, the Truth, will be as changing as the sand in the sea. Positions founded on truth do not evolve or change, for truth does not evolve or change. Ever!

Relativism- a view that ethical truths depend on the individuals and groups holding them. Merriam-Webster

We live now in an era where holding onto Truth is very controversial. The words like "bigot," "haters" and "ignorant" are quickly applied to those who use Truth as the foundation of thinking and decision making. Our culture has shifted even in the last dozen years or so. It is to the point where speaking Truth publicly (with social media everything is public) is quickly assailed by bullying relativistic forces to the point of shutting down the ability to speak Truth openly. These forces denounce our procamation of Truth, Jesus Christ, because it totally comes against their own version of individual "truth" determination. In their attempt to "cancel" our truth of Jesus Christ, they violate their own "belief" in their sacrosanct dogma that anyone can have and hold their own "truth" and be "right."

"He who hates the truth soon hates its advocate." Charles H. Spurgeon

Now, none of this should surprise us. “We know that we are the children of God, and that the whole world is under control of the evil one.” 1 John 5:19 NIV. We live behind enemy lines. The enemy is the antithesis of the Truth. This will not change till we go to our Heavenly home. So, we must make a choice. Live by Truth, who is Jesus Christ or acquiesce to the Liar and his relativistic minions.

“What is Truth?” Truth is Jesus Christ and all He has revealed in His Word. To live by anything else is to base your life on sinking and shifting sand. For me I will choose the Rock of Truth as my foundation.

"Truth is not in a particular statement; Truth is a person, 'I am the Truth.'" Oswald Chambers

Love you Dad

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19. Mai 2022

Pound the drum! This is the battleground of our faith and our culture.

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09. Juli 2022
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Thank you for the encouragement!

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