Four years ago, Cindy and I decided to take the children to New York City during the peak of the Christmas season. We had experienced the fun and excitement some years ago and wished to have them experience this same and unique atmosphere as only NYC can deliver. A quick in and out was our plan.
We tried to do it all. A Broadway play, Radio City Music Hall and the Rockettes, Times Square, Tavern on the Green, carriage ride in Central Park, FOA Schwartz toy store, shopping in SOHO, the sparkling diamond district, fun intimate NY restaurants. We packed it in! Our grand finale was going to Rockefeller Center to see the famous tree and go to the top to view the city at night.
What are we to make of NYC? It’s the “Big Apple” and with that connotation it should present the many and varied hallmarks of man’s current existence. It is the epitome of financial success or is supposed to be and it displays overwhelmingly all the character traits of our culture and society, good and bad. Like all the great cities of the world, it is a microcosm of man’s attempt to “make it.” Look close enough and you will see the character of the heart of man play out in very demonstrative and visible forms.
In this letter to my father, written the morning after our culminating sojourn to Rockefeller Center, I express to him my conclusion of this experience. I left NYC so very thankful for the gifts I receive only by grace yet I also left NYC saddened by the plight of man.
Wishing you a wonderful season of celebration of the advent of our KING.
This letter was written on December 22, 2018.
Weeping Over New York City
I have come that they might have life, and that they may have it abundantly. John 10:10
Good morning Pops,
We are still here in NYC. Trying to experience as much of the city as possible in the three days we are here. Went to see the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall last night. They presented a strong presentation of the “real” Christmas story to culminate the evening. Enjoyable!
There is nothing like NYC to present the predicament of mankind in visual form. The city displays all the beautiful creativity and “success“ of mankind all the while giving a stark picture of the disparity of the position of men to each other. The super stretch limousine speeding by the homeless man struggling to push his earthly possessions in a broken-down stolen shopping cart. Streets laden with trash next to sleek modern architectural wonders. Subways full of empty looking faces as they head to another day’s work of trying to “make it,” whatever that means. Millions of people buying the “latest” for Christmas presents believing fullness of heart and mind will be the result. And the beat goes on.
The city of Jerusalem actually was no different during Christ’s time. Subtract the technological advances of 2000 years, the city presented the exact same picture. Man’s foolish attempts at happiness, the rich and the beggars both trying to “make it” just another day. And the beat went on.
Then something happened. Everything changed. Truth and the “Love Plan” arrived in the form of a new born child. Oblivious to the miracle happening in Bethlehem, the world didn’t know it was going to be turned upside down. This child, Jesus, was going to be the “Light” and illumine all that was wrong with this world. He was going to be “the Way” to “the Life.” All those empty stares, the endless chase for acceptance, all the striving to be someone; He came to end all that. He came to reveal a new “life” to His creation. And then He threw the word “abundantly” in there. This new life He is going to introduce to this world is going to be outstandingly “abundant” compared to what they were used to.
We attempted to go to the top of Rockefeller Center last night. The crowds were horrendously large. Must have been ten thousand people down there. Barely room to move, police control everywhere. We had to push our way through the compacted mass of humanity. We soon gave up our intended plans. Every kind of person, every nationality, wealthy, poor, families and singles. Truly, it was a melting pot of humanity. So, why were they there? What was the draw? To be there, you really had to want to be there! There must have been something extremely important to see. Why fight the crowds and the risk the chaos and the herd dynamic of thousands of people in one spot?

As you approached a certain spot you could see what the commotion was all about. Cell phones being held high above the heads of the crowd, snapping pictures, gave evidence to the “reason” to be there at this moment in time. As you passed a break in-between two buildings you could see it. All lit up in its splendor. Illuminated images of gigantic huge white angels with blaring horns paraded your eyes right to the focus of everyone’s attention. The famous Rockefeller Christmas Tree. There it was, in all its grand resplendence. Must have stood 75-100 feet tall, all lit up in a magnificent colorful array. It stood glorious.
As the crowd gawked at the tree’s beauty, Father God must have been sad. Why? Because the reason why the tree was even there was being missed. Most likely the huge majority of the crowd never gave, even for a brief moment, any thought about a certain child born in a dirty animal stall 2000 years ago. Were Father and Jesus weeping last evening over this crowd as Jesus wept over Jerusalem?
This crowd of people, His creation, every creed, every nation, every station in life represented,....the huge portion of them are still lost, blinded by the lies of the enemy. They are gawking at a tree, when they should be kneeling at the feet of the Truth, the Life and the Way, Jesus. Oh, how much better for them to do so and experience the wonderful life of calling Jesus the Lord and Savior of their lives and have the assurance of a heavenly home. Surely, we will all bow at some time in our lives at the feet of the Christ Child and declare Him Lord of All. “’As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’” Romans 14:10 NIV.
Yes, I believe Heavenly tears were shed last night. And every day henceforth.
What is our focus during this Christmas Season? With all the celebratory activities of the season let us remember to focus on the Light of Life, Jesus. He, who is our redeemer and our salvation, deserves our bent knee, in adoration and thanksgiving.
Love you Dad!
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Yes Lord! Help me to focus on you today and through this new year! Help me to see you as you are and to have your heart for those around me!