Preface to this letter post from the son.
I once had a diesel car. When it was still new to me, I pulled up to the pump and filled the tank to full. Jumped in my beautiful new car and quickly sped away. Everything was going fine till about 2-3 miles down the road something happened. It sputtered, spit and died. Wha!!!!
Stupid car!! After my type A ranting, I finally figured out what the problem was. I put regular gas in the tank, not diesel. Old habits die hard.
As a believer, I’ve had to try to get rid of some old habits also. I am still learning to put the right kind of fuel in my life tank. You can go ahead and say it, I know it’s true, I’m a slow learner. Glad you’re perfect, ha.
This life Father has given us is beautifully designed, but with the wrong fuel, well………let’s just say “it ain’t pretty.” But with “living water” fuel, oh how wonderful this beautifully designed life can be.
January 3, 2019
What is in your gas tank?
For with you is the fountain of life. In your light we see light.
Psalm 36:9
Good morning Pops,
Tens of billions of dollars are spent each year for one purpose. To try to convince us that this drink or that car or "whatever" will give us more “life.” If you buy this or use that, then your life will be better and happier. In the world’s system, the advertising message is true. Sorry to say that. Having the newest, latest and the best gives that little spike on the “happy” meter. Then inevitably it happens, the needle on the meter slowly or quickly swings to the area that says “empty” or “dissatisfied,” it might even land further down on the meter to the “despair” or “depressed” areas. Quick, turn the TV on, turn up the music, go shopping, take that drink, I can’t allow myself to be quiet enough to really see where the needle actually reads when I’m not trying to get that needle to move to the “happy” zone.
Cindy’s car has this written right on her gas cap “high octane fuel recommended.” Why? I can put any kind of fuel I wish in the machine but......I won’t get the designer’s intended result if I don’t follow the designer’s recommendations. Her machine was meant to run on “premium” and “premium” only. To put anything else in it will only reduce the car to a subpar performance. Complain all I want, the problem is not the car, it’s the owner.

Jesus said to the woman at the well: "If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water....but those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again." John 4 NLT.
"If you only knew only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.....but those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again." John 4 NLT
Now that’s “premium” fuel. The fuel the Designer intended for His creation. Only takes one tank and your good for “life.” Put anything else in your tank and you get.........well, we know what you get. That wavy back and forth meter thing that can never seem to get to the area that says “true fulfillment.” Endless tank fill ups, only to get a life that spits and sputters and ends in eternal disaster.
The world’s engines are running around coughing and screeching loudly in a million different ways. “Why isn’t this life of mine running better, why do I always feel like I’m on empty?” It’s not how we were designed that is the problem. The problem is not the world in which we live. It’s the fuel we are putting into our tanks. The fuel of the world's system leaves us fatigued, out of breath and wanting, always looking for something more; something better, a “higher” happy sugar high.
The “woman-at-the-well’s” tank was on empty. She had tried to fill it with what the world told her would be satisfying. Five marriages and the current man she had she wasn’t even married to. Her happiness meter spiking back and forth, back and forth. She wasn’t mad when Jesus spoke the Truth to her, she was relieved and chose to listen.
If we find our tanks on empty, let’s empty out the fuel tank of the corrupting lies that our enemy parades in front of us through every means possible. Let’s hear the Truth and listen with our heart’s ear the soft words of Jesus.
“I have come to give you life and give it to you abundantly.” “Come to me and I will give you rest.”
“I am the truth and the life.”
“Drink the water I give and you will never thirst again.”
Let’s put “living water” every day in our tanks, Pops. Let’s get the “life meter” needle pointing at “complete” and “full(filled).”
“....you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James 1:4 NLT
Love you Pops
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