Introduction to this letter from the son.
Will I ever be content?
Our standard poodle, Coco, looks pretty content in this picture. He’s got everything he needs, especially his toy. Sometimes I wish I could be like him, this simple. Not really, of course, but there is a hint of truth in that statement. In my North American Western Culture being, I can’t remember when I didn’t have everything I really needed. Yes, I know there are many others that cannot say that. I am truly blessed, all of it undeserved and unmerited, grace. But at large in our culture we have abundance.
When I wrote this letter to Pops in Jan. of 2019 I had multiple business locations and owned some commercial real estate, then I sold it all. My natural man's voice inside of me was saying, "but, but ,but.....You won't have it anymore, are you sure?" It's hard to be content in our present cultural paradigm when every message coming our way is meant to convince us otherwise. Pick an area of your life and there is some message coming at you telling you that you “need” more of it or replace it with something new. The mantra of our N. American operating system of “All I want is just a little bit more,” is reverberating through all of our hearts and minds if we don’t guard ourselves from the lies of the enemy.
Noah Webster’s (1828 dictionary) take on contentment is good for all of us to be reminded of: “rest or quietness of the mind in its present condition, satisfaction which holds the mind at peace.” Spot on!
Is my mind restful? Is my mind quiet? Is my mind peaceful? Do I have satisfaction in my current condition? The world’s system is built on convincing us these are not possible, our Father’s system tells us otherwise. Yes, we can be content if we are resting in the right place, where Truth resides.
January 7, 2019
Will I ever be content?
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.
Philippians 4:12
Good morning Pops,
What does it mean to be content? Is my life characterized by a feeling of contentment?
Interestingly, the New Webster dictionary sees the word “content” in a somewhat negative way. “To limit oneself in desires.” A kind of soulful acquiescence to having less in your life, a begrudgingly “OK with it” connotation. Yuck!
Going to Noah Webster’s 1828 original dictionary, he has a different bent that I believe fits Paul’s use in this verse. “Rest or quietness of the mind in the present condition, satisfaction which holds the mind in peace.”
"Contentment: Rest or quietness of the mind in the present condition, satisfaction which holds the mind in peace." Noah Webster
Yes, this is the meaning Paul is referring to. Whether he had little (in need) or a lot (having plenty), he was content. He was at peace. He was joyful. He was restful in his inward and outward countenance. He was “content.” The evidence of a contented heart and mind is the presence of an attitude of thankfulness. Paul was thankful to God. In prison, out of prison, persecuted and beaten to near death, he was always thankful. This thankfulness is expressed in his statement, “For me to live is Christ, but to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21 NIV. He was joyfully “OK” wherever or however he was.
Now we might say, “Well, that’s all fine and good for Paul. But that was then and this is now. He didn’t live in the times in which I live, so yes, he was content, but that attitude doesn’t translate into today’s reality, my reality.” The Holy Spirit just might be saying about now to us, “Hmm,..…….oh reeeeally?!”
Every society, in every space of time in the past, has struggled with contentment. In our culture there is a whole industry built with one purpose, to tell you that you should not be content with your life. Whether it be in the tangible possession realm or even in your personal life, there is an endless parade of messages out there to convince you that you really can’t be happy and content if you stay where you are. To be content is almost seen as a weakness in our current culture.
Now, I’m not saying you shouldn’t dream bigger. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have goals to accomplish; to plan your work and work your plan. That’s not my message. Cindy and I have always been dreamers. I have walked through my share of bigger homes, test driven nicer cars and for sure have looked at bigger boats than the one I have. Nothing wrong with that. But you just have to watch it, make sure it doesn’t nudge you towards a heart of un-thankfulness and discontentment. I have always been thankful for what Father has given me. I was thankful when we lived in our little decrepit married-student apartment, where we named the cockroaches and I am thankful for the home I have today and every one in between. I was thankful when we had just enough to buy a cup of hot cocoa at a cheap restaurant and I am thankful now for how I am able to live in the present. Going back to Webster’s definition of contentment: rest or quietness of mind in our present condition. Yes, it is good to be content.
"God will lead me into a rich place and make me rich with treasures that can never die. If I want my own way, God will let me go my own way. Many Christians do just that." A. W. Tozer
The bottom line in being content is trust. Trusting Father, trusting He is Lord over all, including my physical and emotional life. To not be content is essentially telling Father that He doesn’t know what He is doing, that He is cheating me of what I think I deserve now. When we find this attitude of discontentment creeping into our lives, let’s quickly remedy it by recalling all of Father’s grace and mercy in our lives.

So, let’s be like Paul, having a little or a lot, let us be thankful. Let’s be at rest with a quietness of mind that the satisfaction the Lord of our lives gives us, let’s be content.
“The man or woman who does not know God demands an infinite satisfaction from other human beings which they cannot give, and in the case of man, he becomes tyrannical and cruel. It springs from this one thing, the human heart must have satisfaction, but there is only one Being Who can satisfy the last abyss of the human heart, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.” Oswald Chambers
Love you Pops
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