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Will I wait long enough for Him to come?

Thoughts from the son about this letter post.

If you were to hang with me for a while, you’d learn something about me very quickly. I hate to wait! Anywhere, anytime, I hate to wait! Ask my family, they have had to put up with my Type A poor waiting tendencies. I guess they have survived my impatient pacing episodes, they still actually want to still hang with me, a miracle of their grace and love.

As a believer in Christ, these “waiting” muscles of mine are continually being stretched by my personal trainer, the Holy Spirit. It is not to be found in my natural being to patiently wait for anything, even for Father God. His cadence and timing seem to be, well……..I’ll just say it…….really poor in my personal estimation. He just seems to want to take his dear ol’ time at just about everything. What’s your thoughts on this? I hope you can sense my jesting here but there is a seed of truth here (a large seed). Father God is rarely early but He is never late. Father’s timing isn’t usually my timing and in His grace He is slowly, I mean slowly, helping me to walk this life with His perfect rhythm. How are you doing at the “waiting game?’


January 4, 2019

Will I wait long enough for Him to come?

I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:20

Hi Pops,

Monique turning 17 today. How can it be? I hate time……with a perfect hatred!

“I am with you always…” Jesus spoke these words to His disciples just before He ascended to where He is seated now, at the right hand of Father. The whole experience the disciples had lived for three years with Christ was about to change. One paradigm going out and a new one being ushered in. I imagine they were a little on edge as to what this new paradigm was going to be. Did they remember His words to them earlier? “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait there for the gift my Father has promised, the Holy Spirit.” Acts 1:4. Probably not, if they were like me, I tend to miss some of the important stuff.

Nonetheless, the Holy Spirit was promised. As with any gift, this gift being given to them wasn’t dependent on them, it was dependent on Father’s character, grace and promise. So, it is with us. Their only requisite was to “wait.”

Father wants to be “with us always.” But the requirement is that we have to “wait.” Well, what does that even mean? “Waiting” to me means anything we do to communicate to Father “I want you in my life.” Picture waiting for a friend you invited to a restaurant. You are there first; you’ve taken the time to be there exclusively for that friend who is coming to meet you. You have expressed your desire to spend time and have relationship with that person simply by being there and “waiting” for them.

"I am with you always..... "Jesus

We love to complain, “Why doesn’t God become closer to me. I feel like He isn’t there for me.” Might I say that most very probably the problem is us? Have we been “waiting” for Him? If so, how long? How much “waiting” time am I going to give Him for him to “show up?” “I gave Jesus 15 minutes and He didn’t show!! Forget it, I’m leaving!” Hmm? How long would you wait for that famous celebrity if they said they would meet you?

Draw close to Father and He will draw close to you. James 4. He is and always has been “there.” He is anxious for relationship. He’s like your electrical outlet, we just have to plug into it. Our “waiting” is doing what we have to, to get plugged in. Now let’s be honest! Father isn’t the genie in the magical lamp. Just rub the side and poof! He’s there. Remember He’s Holy, He's Pure. He’ll show up when our hearts wants to meet Him on His terms. What terms? “Do you really want me, I mean really! Or do you just want something from me? Are you just wanting me to make your problem go away and then fade back into the lamp? Sorry, I want your heart not your problem free life. I want to be there ‘always,’ a part of you. I am ready, are you?”

"Come near to God and He will come near to you." James 4:8

Let’s do more “waiting” for Him this year Dad. Whatever that looks like for each of us, let’s do it. Jesus is there. He is waiting for us as well. He will always wait for us. How sad when we are too busy for Him. How sad when we try to do life without Him all the while He has abundance waiting for us.

“And be sure of this, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Jesus. Matthew 28: 20 NLT

Love you Pops

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