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Your Biography: The Only Page That Counts

This letter was written to my father on January 23, 2018.


Did you know that every living human being is an author? Every living soul today will write a page in their personal autobiography. Every thing we do or don’t do, every thing we say or don’t say, every action or reaction we take adds a page to our personal story. Nothing hidden, everything about us there, all written, page by page, day by day. These pages represent the true ALL of our personal being.

What’s your autobiography reading like as of today? If one were to read it, would they find your story hope giving, possibly inspiring? I don’t know about you, there are many pages, chapters even, that I wish I could rip out of my biography. Pages I’m not proud of, pages that might even produce shame if they were read by someone else. Unfortunately, we cannot edit our own stories. What’s done is done.

There is only one editor who can pull pages, even complete chapters, out of our stories and discard them….forever. He is the Author of Life itself. He only has the authority to “white out” all the blemishes that have stained our individual stories. Hebrews 12:2 tells us He is the “author and perfecter of our faith(stories).” (Parentheses mine)

And when our autobiographies are all done, when the very last page has been written on our last day, there is only one page in our stories that has to be there for us to receive the eternal reward of Heaven’s bounty and an amazing eternity with the Author Himself. Just one little page. It doesn’t matter what else is in your book, good and honorable things, ugly and repulsive things, they can all be in there, but this one-page HAS to be there.

Is this page in your biography? A million high-fives and fist bumps to you if it is. If you don’t know if this page is in your story, then most likely it is not.

What is this page? Why is it so vital and life-giving? This letter I wrote to my 98 year old father discusses the answer to these questions.


Your Biography: The Only Page That Counts

For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21

Hi Dad,

This is one of Paul’s more famous statements. In addition to having deep meaning, these words exemplified his life. Tim Hansel, one of my favorite authors, made this poignant statement; “Our theology must become our biography.” Paul made his theology his biography.

For most of us Christ followers, Paul’s words here are two edged. I get it! Paul’s passion was Christ, 24/7/365, he lived for Christ, day in, day out. I’m not saying he didn’t have any earthly pleasures. I am sure he did, but his overriding passion was the Good News of Jesus and teaching what that looks like in a believer’s life. My friend Clint Miller, in Dubai, is like that. The guy is a walking “Jesus.” He exudes the Spirit of Father. I love to be around him. His spirit inspires my spirit.

The other side of these words might be guilt and conviction. “Geez, why am I not like that? If I was a ‘better’ Christian, I would be more like that.” Maybe it’s just me, I tend to compare myself a lot to others in my attempt to find self-worth. Foolish, I know, but I do it anyway. The “pain of comparison” is usually destructive, never instructive nor healthy. Why do we do that? Stupid!

I really do not think Paul intended for his words to have this impact. For every believer, the hope in Paul’s words is in the last phrase, “and to die is gain.” No matter who we are right now, no matter what our biographies have been, when we, as redeemed children die, our gain will be indescribable. The wonderful future we will have with Father and Jesus in Heaven has nothing to do with many of the details of our biographies.

There are many pages in my biography I wish I could rip out. The only page in our “book” that needs to be there is the day we came to Christ as Savior and believed on Him, in Him, for our salvation. That day we recognized our sin problem and chose to believe in the work of the blood spilt on the cross for us. That day we, by faith, accepted Jesus’ payment for our sin and entered into new life with Him. At Heaven’s gate, the only page in my biography that will qualify me and usher me into my eternal home is the page entitled “Steve’s Salvation Day.” And yes, that page is there and Satan can’t rip it out!

Yes, I hope my biography is full of “good works,” but I am saved by grace, not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9). If there happens to be a “bad” page, 1 John 1:9 tells me that page can be removed if I take it to Jesus. He’ll “white it out” permanently with His crimson-red blood. Grace upon Grace!

We have a wonderful Savior. When our bodies fail and we are no longer part of this physical world, our “gain” will be Father and Jesus themselves. The hope of Heaven is a balm of healing and joy we can carry each day of our present biography behind enemy lines.

Love you Pops!!

Pop's response:

"Great comments for a 99-year-old guy with health problems!!!!! Yes, I do believe!!!"


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